Oh what a day. Wonderful but crazy...LOL... I got to attend Sunday - TopicsExpress


Oh what a day. Wonderful but crazy...LOL... I got to attend Sunday school at my home church, and i have to say I learned so much, and wanted and eager to learn more. Came home, changed into my band clothes. Donnie came and picked me and my sound equipment up to go to our booking at PruntyTown correctional facility. We met Drema Donnies wife and fellow band member at Kmart in Clarksburg; Poor Drema was running late... lol.... Well everything went fine, we got to the prison and set up the equipment and doing our soundcheck, when friends of ours who were scheduled and cleared to attend services today came. Well bless her heart Ms. Caitlyn Shea Moyers, baked us a chocolate peanut butter pizza with M&Ms on top. I asked Drema if she would put the pizza in the van, well she asked me for her van keys that she gave me to hold for her after she locked the van. Well I reached into my pants pocket and pulled out the keys.. GUESS WHAT...... Drema picked up my keys that i put in the console of her van and locked both sets of her keys in the van. I jokingly asked the inmate who were already in the sanctuary if anyone knew how to break into a vehicle without breaking a window... LOL... There were 5 inmates raised their hands and were willing to help us out, but as Pastor Phil said that if he let them break into our vehicle his head would be on the chopping block with the Warden... We all got a good laugh out of that one.. Well poor Drema tried calling her daughter to come to our rescue , she couldnt get the phone to work from Pastor Phils office so he had to dial the number for her.. NO ANSWER.. Maybe she didnt want to receive a call from a prison.. lol. Phone worked for him... It was time to start singing and Drema was still on the phone with Geico to come to our rescue so I gave a testimony how I received such a blessing from the service we attended last night at the Wainville community church. And how this young guest pastor who only has been preaching for about a year gave a hell, fire, and brimstone sermon, and i told the inmates that I havent been in a service like the one we had in over 20 years and that we need more pastors preaching what would happen if we turned our backs on God and to preach hell and brimstone messages, that several pastors today are talking Pastors, and only preach what the congregation wants to hear.. (remember this last post).. Well Drema said she told the person from Geico Insurance office that she had to go and sing and hung up on the representative from Geico... Well after a while one of the officers came in and asked Donnie if he knew Drema and he told the officer that Drema was his wife. The officer informed them that he received a call from Geico Insurance about someone needing their vehicle unlocked.. This stumped the officer who wasnt aware of what happened. This stumped the officer as he thought to himself that as far as he knew there we no inmates who had their vehicle there at the prison.. lol. Then the lady said that Drema said she had to go sing and hung up on her. Then the officer figured it out, and came and told Drema that help was on the way. Well everything worked fine during sound checks but when I started playing my guitar it kept cutting in and out. Well I figured i needed a fresh battery in my guitar electronics, so I replaced the battery and guitar was same, I figured it out when my guitar wouldnt send through to the sound system. My effects pedal went completely on the blinks. So I hooked it up without the effects.. Wonderful It works... yea.... Well when it was my turn to sing 6 hours on the cross I sang the 1st. 2 verses but when it was time to sing the last verse I ended the song. Oh what stumped looks I received from Drema and Donnie, then I realized what I had done.. Poor ole Drema almost lost it but was able to control the urge to bust out laughing because she done the same as i did a few bookings ago. Then ( time to remember the post I told you to remember) when it was time for the guest pastor to preach. He commented on what I had said and told the inmates to (paraphrasing) go out and spread the word of God but dont do it in a way that scares off people from not wanting to come back to church or scare them away from God. Some of the things he taught as he was one of those talking preachers I totally agreed with. But I never got the point of what he wanted to preach about. Even a couple inmates said they wish he would shut up. so sad. I am not saying that teaching pastors are bad, I have heard several that I have learned a great deal from, But when a preacher, pastor, minister, or whatever else they call themselves preaches to please the congregation and steers clear of preaching on something that might offend someone. Then I have a problem with them as they are sugarcoating the bible. I really enjoy ministering to these inmates as most are sincere about salvation and God. In other word I feel that my testimony offended this pastor as he didnt shakes my hand nor speak to me after service was adjourned. LOL. I felt so sad... Well the inmates helped us load the van and we got the pizza safely in the van. We all decided to eat at Texas Roadhouse in Clarksburg. I never been there before. We all had a blast. Drema told Donnie to be careful and not get any food on his shirt. Boy I was doing wonderful and never got any food on my shirt.. Well that was until the last bite of my salad that little last bite had to end up on my shirt. We all laughed.. The poor drema dropped some food on her shirt.. CAme another laugh. Donnie and I both ordered the 16 OZ steak when it came. My oh my. Donnies steak was about 2 inches thick and didnt cover his plate. When they set mine down. I was stumped. mine was about 4 inches thick and took up my whole plate. I didnt know what to say I looked at Donnies steak then at mine, then at his then mine. I did this for about 3 times. Drema and Donnie told me I should have seen the look on my face when they gave me my steak.. We all laughed at that. Well I put the napkin in my shirt collar so I wouldnt get anything on my shirt. I kept losing my napkin on the floor, then I was cutting my steak and the knife went flying out my hand and into the floor. Well I fought with my napkin throughout the rest of my meal. I was so stuffed I couldnt hardly get up from the table.. A few weeks ago all these problems would had made me so depressed and anxiety flare up. But I kept hearing what my therapist told me in our last session. QUOTE::: REMEMBER WHAT HEATHER TOLD YOU.. REMEMBER THE POSITIVE WHEN DOWN TO LOOK OUT AT THE CROWD AND THINK POSITIVE THOUGHTS LIKE>>> LOOK HOW THAT PERSON IS GLOWING, OR HOW THAT PERSON IS SMILING OR PRAISING GOD BY UPLIFTING HIS/HER HAND UP PRAISING GOD AND SOME OTHER THINGS this helped me so much as i implemented these coping skills... OVERALL: It was a lovely evening worshipping god with our prisoner friends, pastor phil and others. We even got NAncy and her granddaughter to come up and sing a couple songs with us. They both have such lovely voices.. What a lovely day. Praise God for the laughs, Heather, and good friends..
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 04:24:10 +0000

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