Oh, what a week! We started on Monday with a Mars/Pluto meetup at - TopicsExpress


Oh, what a week! We started on Monday with a Mars/Pluto meetup at 11 degrees of Scorpio. We have been building up to this aspect since last week. In that time, I have heard a lot about blowups and misuse of power, as well as angry accusations from others. Mars and Pluto are both the co-rulers of Scorpio, where we currently have four planets in the sky. These planets include Mercury, the planet of communication and news; Sun, which rules the ego and heart; Venus, which rules love and desire; and Saturn, which rules structure and authority. In some cases, people seem a bit off of the charts in trying to exert their own power (Pluto). Mars is currently out of bounds, and there is tremendous energy in the air. The upside of this energy is that it can help to actualize goals and get the drive to accomplish big things in your life. The meeting of Mars and Pluto on November 10, 2014 marked a new two year cycle, which is a great launching pad for accomplishing your goals. It is also energy that necessitates that you fight for your rights. Wednesday, November 12, 2014, marks a very significant day. To begin with, there is a Venus/Saturn conjunction at 25 degrees of Scorpio, which occurs at 8:02 pm EDT. We have been working with Saturn in Scorpio since October 6, 2012. Saturn in Scorpio demands that you commit to facing your fears and emotional blocks around intimacy. Saturn is the planet of challenges, lessons, limitations, and commitment. Saturn joining forces with Venus, the planet of love and value, on November 12, 2014 makes this all more significant. Venus joins up with Saturn once a year; however, Saturn will not return to this degree of Scorpio for another 29 years. This makes the pairing of Venus and Saturn all the more significant and meaningful. This is a time to do some deep reflecting on what you want to remain in your life: what you want to commit to, and what you want to leave behind. This week will bring major commitments, as well as permanent breakups. Saturn requires that you do things that help foster your maturation process. If something is no longer working for your own development, this week could bring a major ending. On the same day, Mars kicks it up a lot by making a challenging square to Uranus, the planet of disruption, at 8:29 pm EDT. Mars and Uranus are both incendiary and explosive when paired together. Be wary of losing your temper quickly, as both planets can trigger impulsive and agitated response. Be extra careful on the road and when you are out on the streets. People will be very impulsive while driving; not to mention careless and temperamental. Both Mars and Uranus in combination can help break you free in a very quick way. This helps to liberate you and assist the Venus/Saturn cycle of committing to removing that which no longer works. Commit to what you do want and start structuring your life in a way that enables that goal to flourish. #jupiterinlove
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 13:09:18 +0000

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