Oh whats that? Youre waiting for this parking spot? This spot - TopicsExpress


Oh whats that? Youre waiting for this parking spot? This spot thats outside the emergency room of a hospital? Ah ok. This is what Im going to do. Im going to get in the car - NOT start it right away, haha, no. Lets put my purse down next to me. Ok thats done, now lets look around the interior of my own car for a while, you know, get reacquainted. Ok thats done. Now Im going to get cross legged right here on the drivers seat, and meditate. OOmmmmm. Yes I feel the inner peace. Now going to check all mirrors, even though this is my car and they were already set up for me, who knows, they may have moved. Ok thats done. Now to start this car..... Hahahah fooled you, jus kidding! Now to just sit here an contemplate my entire life.... How am I going? Have I achieved success on both the spiritual and secular levels? Am I making tim for me? Do I take are of my loved one? Lets just assess all that right now - because it will affect which direction I head when I finally move out f this spot. Hmmm.... Ok done. Now to start the car. (Big step!) done! Woohoo so proud of myself! Go me! Now to reverse, the. Go forward again, then reverse, then go forward again (call me crazy but I like to do that about 7 times, its bad luck I its not 7). And now to move out, and make my way into the world, like a butterfly from its cocoon!! Yeah I did it!!!!!! And now to conquer the daaaaaaaaayyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 23:43:05 +0000

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