Oha na eze ndi Igbo, fellow Nigerians this is my message to the - TopicsExpress


Oha na eze ndi Igbo, fellow Nigerians this is my message to the president. Once more I thank our president for the national conference initiative which is why I most air my own opinion. Personally I have self examine the real quam of the country and finally came to conclusion that it goes beyond religion and tribalism rather is poverty caused by decades of acute corruption which exist among our leading class. If we most move faster than this speed of snail we have been maintaining since independent which has drag us back of achieving good economic growth and infrastructural development like others then their most be a government massive corruption stampede programme all over the nation. Let me take us back to the democratically elected government we had in the 80s, from local government chairmen to the state governors, this men then uses what was called official cars which was Peugeot products but today governors dont move with cars anymore rather private jets to the detriment of the poor citizen who are still crying for food and how to pay kids school fees. Our leaders always flaunt their fictional powers out of the borders of the nation as the Alfa and Omega from the giant of African country d Niger-Area while back home we can not boost of drinking water for all, OBJ regime spent over 13billion dollars on power yet the few foreign companies are moving their main offices to Ghana because of lack of electricity. Few days ago either CNN or ALJAZEERA aired a programmed about child labor which is on the rise now in the country, which they quoted one UN wing which says that over fifteen million kids in the country are involve in child labor and are out of school, things like this is practically unacceptable MR President. Our government institution are very weak so much that their is no physical accountability of any kind, what we run as governance is called ( CHOP WHEN YOU ARE THERE AND I GO CHOP WHEN I WILL BE THERE ) this status quo has to change, most change and will definitely change if at all Nigeria will move forward as a nation else we fall of the cliff which we will all bear the consequences one way or the other. We most put a severe punishment on corruption felony like China, rehabilitate our justice system, retrain our police men and women and also equip them both in dry and raining season so that they will dispatch there duties with love and fairness knowing that no country ever grows when its security is in jeopardy Somali and Afghanistan. The federal government need to create an independent body that will be checkmating all federal and state ministerial duties by taking audit on how and what their resources where used for every three months which there findings will be submitted to the presidency/ upper and lower house to ascertain. The men and women that will be appointed for such a serious business most not have a questionable character, just like the Western world, their should be a total background check on each person right from there school days to avoid sending a cat to an errand of getting a fish from the basket in the kitchen knowing fully well that such message will never see the light of day. Just incase our president and the political class with their lobbyist claim to be ignorant of what the route causes of our problems is which led to the creation of BOKO HARAM and random kidnapping now, then I am now making it crystal clear that is poverty which is unacceptable to our people because we have more than it takes to get us to the promise land rather than the wilderness we call home. Before I rest my case on the issues of how things will get better, let me quickly add that I am also using this platform to agitate for the probing of the past government from 1985 till date, this act will go a along way in helping us through what I call recovery and healing process. Few individuals today are billionaires in hard currency with looted wealth from the government purse, for we to forge ahead we most correct our past mistakes so that our future will be built on a fine level ground without some one defrauding the country again while referring us to the past leadership which deed the same and nothing was done, to summarize it all, the statement released last Monday to mark the EID-EL-KABIR festival by DR GOODLUCK JONATHAN press secretary and I quote ( My administration remains fully committed to the implementation of measures and policies that will further promote and enhance national peace, stability and progress ) end of quote. MR President Nigerians are still endless waiting to see when your actions will speak louder than your voice in the area of curbing corruption, let us affect the change we love to see in our society from today.
Posted on: Wed, 16 Oct 2013 18:48:23 +0000

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