Ohhh, it get better than fruit loops. *Just when we thought - TopicsExpress


Ohhh, it get better than fruit loops. *Just when we thought that BHO couldnt possibly soil the dignity of the Oval Office any lower!! ... * Be sure to share this OTHER video & make obamas newest friend *GloZel famous, not for fruit loops, but for telling people to go to work so our higher taxes can pay for,(her character) to get free healthcare, *and if you dont like obama, ... youre a racist!! BHO makes time to meet with this? Rant cont: Just to re-cap!! * The president did NoT (even) send a white house representative (last summer) to pay respects to the 1st US General killed on active duty(inAfghanistan) since Vietnam! ~ But, BHO sent THREE White House Reps to Ferguson for the funeral, of a thug. No reception for Sgt. Tamoressi, ~ But, a White House Rose Garden reception for muslim loving deserter, Sgt. Berghdal/with his muslim loving parent/s who spoke the language on the WH Lawn! BHO was a No-show in France to march with world leaders in Solidarity against Radical Islamists, we know BHO didnt send Anybody! ... he cant/wont even say the words! (radicals or Islamist). No show-up, or Rep sent over this week to commemorate Auschwitz and the killing of 1.2 million human beings by Hitlers regime. **** But??? Guess What? Regardless of past excuses used about short notice for France & the parade & security concerns, BHO met Indian president today & spent an unprecedented 4 hours in an open air forum, and sprinkling-around rose petals!!! Then, hes off to Saudi Arabia for the funeral and to pay his *personal respects to the Saudi King ~ you remember... the one he bowed-down-to a few years back!* .... ... That! he makes time for. * All that, and now, ~ This!! YouTube Star has Millions of followers & over 14 Million hits on her most popular viral video, *and, since the president unfortunately still has about two years left to push socialist policies on Un-informed Americans, - in order to connect with his many new &illegal voters, BHO made the Executive Decision to take time from his presidential schedule, to meet with a green-lipStick wearing, cinnamon eating, taking a bath-w-Fruit-Loops&milk,Sensation, GloZel! .... 0.o ? Maybe obamas other advisor, Al Sharpton recommended BHO to meet with this {moron} & two other YouTubers he interviewed with after the State of the Union Address, last week. You may have seen thier iterview together where GloZel gives obama a green lipStick for his first wife!/ She shoulda practiced saying, first lady! (Look it up) Im sure the Mooshe loved that. .... if one is still defending this president after this embarrassing debauchery - I guess they will never wake up?? Listen to who this president feels deserves the personal audience of a (so-called) Leader of the free world!! Another reason America is becoming a laughing stock of the world! Its Not funny when your foreign friends are laughing at our country, when its the Idiot president & his Elitists puppeteers that are destroying America. People say BHO has an agenda. No! He is too stupid to pull-anything-off, himself. But he has been groomed for this position, fraudulently elected... his past kept sealed, and the media kept silent by Sorros & Friends, to further the global Agenda for the 21st Century,... because they knew he would be the Best Puppet, Ever!! [See:United Nations Agenda for 21st Century] * Your Higher Taxes pay for My healthcare thanks President Obama. .GloZel {Uploaded March 2010, over1.8 MILLION VIEWS} Listen to her-and so many other peoples actual reason why they for voted for B.Hussein!! Yep. She. Said. It.. So? It has come to this. ...: youtu.be/KRgB2eeHZEw
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 09:32:00 +0000

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