Ohhh wow. I wrote the previous status update because I had been - TopicsExpress


Ohhh wow. I wrote the previous status update because I had been reading back on my recent dreams and was a little frustrated by how jumbled their recollections are, because they havent been interesting enough for me to wholly wake up when recording them. Instead, Ive been jotting them down half-asleep and can barely understand / dont remember them afterwards. But funny that after writing that, I would dream this... it feels important... and it is pretty cool, so I thought Id share... ___ I can predict the future, and I am with two others on a mission. We know we are supposed to heal someone and have things planned out down to the second, except there are slight details that are different from the cues that we have been given. We know to enter a building to heal a woman, and we know when to expect her -- but when we get inside, the layout is just slightly different and events are different. We open a door that opens up to the backstage of some sort of theatre, where tons of people are standing on wooden platforms, waiting to see a show. Time seems to slow down or be suspended here, or at least the original mission temporarily forgotten (almost makes me wonder if I have the order of this dream wrong, but I believe it to be correct). One dancer comes from behind the even more backstage section of the backstage; she dances from behind one set of dark curtains into the “backstage” and through another set of curtains, onto a stage beyond my sight. She is young and Indian, and I get the sense it is both a spiritual dance and one that maybe has to do with Hindiusm? She is dressed as such. She reminds me of the images of Shiva dancing… Behind her, an older dancer traces the same route, though she dances differently. I think she is wearing dark blueish purple, with yellow and pink flowers tied on ankles. Whereas the first danced through relatively quickly, and with the flowing, leaping grace and innocence of a fawn, this one dances slower — though not slow, per se — and gets low, using lots of bended knees, as in traditional Indian dance forms. She too passes through the second curtain… and then, as if back to real life, I am again with another or two others (again, I ask myself if I have the order mixed up, and perhaps I do, but this seems right), trying to locate the woman to heal. The psychic premonition had told us to expect to go through three sets of doors, and we know the last door has the password of “777″. What we don’t know until we get there is that we have arrived sooner than expected, because the building has changed, been updated, things moved around. We only know that we have arrived at the last door first when we find it locked, as the first two were to be unlocked. Andrew Merryham types “777″ into the metal keypad on the door handle, and it works. He kicks open the door in a nervous frenzy, and we see the narrow upright seat-bed where the woman should be lying, but she is not there. Comments are made about the changed layout, and I remember that there are two other doors we were supposed to open first. Due to the floorplan, they can only be down the hallway to the left if they exist — so I realize that technically, if I go that way, I would be taking steps backwards and could intercept her and heal her. But this plan doesn’t make much sense, either; I am expecting an old woman who would’ve been lying down, waiting to be saved. We were off on timing, but not THAT off… so how could someone who was old, dying, and in need of rescue POSSIBLY come down that hall in the next few minutes? But I feel the burning need to look anyway. Meanwhile, Gina Altamura stands in the doorway of the formerly locked room, as Andrew stands in the original hallway. I run down the hallway into “the past”. En route, I pass a dark brown / black long-haired woman, again wearing dark blueish purple, but she is young and doesn’t look sickly. We make eye contact as I pass her, but I keep going. In my mind, I’ve acknowledged that she is likely the one we are supposed to save, but I don’t know if she is cognizant of it even if she seems to recognize me, and I want to play it cool just to see what will happen between this time and when she returns to the “death room”, forwards in time. But when she arrives at the room to find the door open and Gina standing in the doorway, she says no, no, and seems to note that something is messed up in the cosmic order; we have arrived too early. She asks us SOMETHING that I don’t exactly remember, and we all kind of hesitate, until Andrew stammers and says, “Vivian thinks she has met a soulmate.” I am a bit shocked by this response, as it seems out of left field, coming out of his mouth, and without context. Soon, a computer screen-type thing pulls up like a projection in front of her; a Facebook-like timeline shows up on-screen, and either it scrolls itself or she scrolls through it, as though she is searching for who Andrew is referring to. I am afraid she is gonna settle on the wrong person because nobody comes up that I recognize. It’s as though we are actually looking at someone else’s friends, not mine. As this is happening, she says, “You still use the term soulmate? That’s so old-fashioned…” and initially, I feel a pang of embarrassment but then proudly say, “Yeah, I still use the term.” I don’t know how else she responds to this, but soon she has a clear glass vase in hand — thick, wide, and typically semi-hourglass-shaped — and is pouring water from one vase into another of the same size and shape. Tarot imagery; Two of Cups shit. She says a lot of poetic things I kind of forget, but what I remember strongly is that she mentions giving or presenting me with someone — not by name, but in concept — and then says, “You will never again live for someone else,” and, “This is how you proudly love.” The message I take from it is that the person I am supposed to be with will never leave room for doubt, and that I won’t feel obligated to second-guess, and hence, I will never “live for someone else” in THAT kind of way — but also that I will learn not to be so dependent in that way. I wake up with clarity for the first time in a long while, because the words, “This is how you proudly love,” ring so strongly, and the image of clear, flowing water shimmers with unbelievable beauty. It feels like an important message, given from outside of myself. The imagery on the tarot’s Temperance card seems to resonate here as well. (Weirdly just found the attached Temperance image on DeviantArt -- deviantart/morelikethis/290818651?view_mode=2 -- not exactly my style, but it combines the cups imagery with the Hinduism so... hm!)... ahhhh, the symbolism runs deep parallel to my emotions right now: 78notes.blogspot/2006/07/mapquest-doesnt-help.html?m=1
Posted on: Wed, 04 Jun 2014 11:56:08 +0000

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