Ohhmygoodness.... what a couple days on the Farm! But Father God, - TopicsExpress


Ohhmygoodness.... what a couple days on the Farm! But Father God, You are so good!!!!!! :) Yep, I need to Praise Him big time tonite because while I was downloading my pics earlier... David came in and said that 1 of the 4 little kittens that are out in the shop (where their mama had them safe from the dog ..clear up high~) had fallen clear down in the WALL from the loft area of the shop!!! :( Then we got out there and TWO OF THEM WERE DOWN THERE!!! ~)... and its like a 15 ft drop!!! And pretty much no way to get them out... easily~) And we are not sure if something happened to their mama because she hasnt been seen in a day or so.. And let me tell ya they were crying so pitifully... and its freakin hot out there... and the other 2 were screeching... and yeah, you get the picture... ~) My husband, bless his heart, he wasnt too happy with them but he decided he better try to rescue them and he tried one thing and he couldnt reach them and then Lauren and Doug were on the way back from their church service and she suggested us finding our old pool telescoping pole with the leaf basket on it which I wasnt even sure we still had.. and PRAISE GOD WE DID!!!! :) We spent the last 2 hrs out there in that hot shed.. me trying to keep the other 2 kittys happy and in their box~) and David attempting to coax 2 cranky and scared little felines into a blue net on a very long pole and scrape them up the wall to safety! I know Lauren and Doug were praying.. and I was Praying.. and I was pleading with Him, Lord Jesus Please!!! And then.. I just knew what I needed to do.. I had to THANK HIM for doing it before it even happened... and so I did. I starting claiming His deliverance of those little kittens and thanking Him for my husbands heart in trying to rescue them even though it was 11pm and he was grumpy and tired...and so I encouraged him and kept telling the kittys we were going to get them out... and I Praised God for what He was GOING to do...!!!! And you know what? David stuck that pole down that enclosed wall for the like 4-5th time.. and he was talking to them and telling 1 of them to get his little furry butt in there.. and then I watched...praying and holding my breath... as he pulled that pole up slowly so as not to lose them again which he already had 3 times somehow they got out~) ..and... I was Praising Jesus for being there with us and making a way for us... and you know what?!?!?! There were TWO KITTYS :) in that blue basket and I just yelled... Ohhh thank You Jesus!!!!!!! Over and over:) And then reached up and I got those little rascals out of the net and plopped them in with their screeching siblings and I hugged David after he got down off the loft area & ladder safely (another Thank You Jesus... asanyofyouwhoknowhimheseemstobeaccidentprone~) and I told him Thank you so much for doing it (even though it was the last thing he wanted to do...and I know the grandkids will be beside themselves :) ... and then I burst into tears laughing and crying! ;) And... thats a great story... but that doesnt even really touch the crazy from LAST NIGHT out here on the Farm.. yeah, we like to keep it exciting out here, the wildlife keep it interesting shall we say... and I will just save that one for later! ~) Thank You, SO MUCH... Papa God.... You. Are. FAITHFUL... and Amazing in how You take care of us!!! And I am thankful... for rescued Kittys... and for my husband, and my daughter and her presence of mind... and again Papa God, I love You.... and Praise You with all of my heart....
Posted on: Sat, 31 May 2014 05:48:59 +0000

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