#Oil #production from the Organization of the #Petroleum - TopicsExpress


#Oil #production from the Organization of the #Petroleum #Exporting Countries (#OPEC) totaled 30.01 million #barrels per day (b/d) in November, down 290,000 b/d from October, and down for a second consecutive month as #Libyan production went into reverse after several months of #steady #gains, according to the latest #Platts survey of OPEC and oil industry officials and analysts. - See more at: libyabusiness.tv/video/platts-survey-opec-pumps-30-01-million-barrels-o#sthash.CBinfJWA.dpuf #News #Libya #LibyaBusinessTv #Libya_Business
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 07:48:15 +0000

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