Oil suppliers around the world are leasing tankers for 1 to 2 - TopicsExpress


Oil suppliers around the world are leasing tankers for 1 to 2 years to store oil in they cant sell. They are also saying times are better than 08 as there are more tankers available! This stored oil will have to be used up before any new production can make it into the pipes. Im saying 5 years for any improvements but the world is set perfectly for a #protracted war. Obama warned a hard line with Iran would be courting a war as Iran is heavily bound by Russia. In yesterdays news where the Republicans are chomping at their bits to get one going blocking the soft sell opting for the harsh one. #Prentice tells us here Friday his best story is there will be 3 years before any oil norms are reached hes mouthing popular numbers. #Impossible! Im saying the #oil will still be in those tankers in 3 years down the road and that will have to be used before they can tap into new production. Im saying up to 7 years before there is an improvement and predicting thousands laid off in the meantime. Harper and Kennys bizarre immigration plan does nothing better than compound the problems faced by Alberta and all provinces. The criminal element they brought in with their stand on no vetting; no background checks is coming back to bite us. No matter which way you look at it Conservatives have made it worse. In 2008 the Americans brought up the surplus oil in the tankers shortening considerably the drought. Not so this time, the Americans have their own shale oil they are topping up their storage with! As for #Saudi being the bad guys simply not so! The West embargoed Russia who immediately responded with long term cheap oil and LNG deals with China. China to this point was the sacred undeveloped friendly market of the west; not being able to supply their own. I say cheap and long term because *China responded by saying their LNG plants (5 of them) in Indonesia are not making money enough so put them all up for sale!. The #Chinese operating company of these LNG plants started their own price cutting scheme about the same time Gazprom opened up exports increasing them in Indonesia. All this is #Saudi turf; what would you have them do? The US limited Saudi input into the Gulf refinery hurting them further. This while #Obama inked a deal with Mexico to import their heavy crude into the Gulf Refinery and haul away Condensates to upgrade their crude in their own country. This put the cold wash on the Canadian Keystone Pipeline. Something we should remember when the #US comes looking for our water. In case you missed it; all of our existing markets have gone! Stopping the embargo on Russia is not going to change anything now. Its in the works for years to come. China was the big new market expectation of the west in general. Only a catastrophic failure like a war starting in the middle east and escalating though the Crimea and the world. It has not gone unnoticed that the US Republicans want tough talks with Russia backed Iran which is exactly what Putin is waiting for. Russia people are suffering hugly while the Ruble pluments. Its hard to keep the doves up when the hawks are in the air! No my friends, there are no up sides for this industry! The Conservatives took 700 billion they took from the Heritage Trust (which we could sure use now) by capping the fund at 5% profit putting the rest into general revenues to be used as taxes. Then; brag about lowest taxes. And the oil royalty Was 32% when Klein came into office and 16% when he left. Next, Liepert who told us royalty was now 6% and Albertans should tighten their belts. Royalty immediately dropped to zero. That is money ripped from consumers pockets further restricting the national economy. We compare ourselves to Norway a socialistic governed country. They have hundreds of billions held in offshore tanks; now bankers for Europe. They keep the money off shore so as not to interfere with small and medium sized business at home. They have an economy of scale and pay taxes as we do. A hamburger will cost you 50 dollars but the person serving it is making 100,000 dollars a year and McDonalds and other small business are doing well also. Norway guarantees their population a free university education! Thats socialism! Its not the marching boots the conservatives tell you about. #Norway,the highest education in Europe turn out 70% of their vote for every election keeping their Governments honest. .Alberta Conservatives got in with 23% of the vote and a majority at that!. Alberta is broke! #AESO recently claimed a billion dollar error costing us another 20 bucks moving up to 30 bucks a month times 2.5 million meters spinning! Is at a minimum 50 million dollars a month going someplace; where? We live in a province of indirect taxation with the cities in charge of the utilities and charging whatever they want. However this power line increase is extreme and would not stand examination. #AESO are not prone to error! The #NDP have a strong environmental segment strong as in unreasonably so that traditionally the leaders cannot control! And, this lack of control is their downfall and has led to their ruination in the past. Mulcairs posturing, Trying to be everything to everybody I find frightening..
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 02:27:50 +0000

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