Ok- Its time to zero-in on the perps behind engineered human - TopicsExpress


Ok- Its time to zero-in on the perps behind engineered human misery. They hide behind labels like Illuminati and Elite, but really, WHO are they? They are the Zionist Rothschilds- the Banking Family that owns the Federal Reserve and has a Centralized Banking Stranglehold in every country in the world except Iran, North Korea and Cuba. To understand their influence and why they do what they do, one must take a HUGE leap of faith, because without this leap- it will NEVER make much sense and all their critics will be easily dismissible and marginalized since they ALWAYS maintain a public posture of Plausible Deniability. Heres the secret: The spiritual realm is REAL. God, and an antagonist that goes by many names, including Lucifer- are, thats right, really REAL. Angelic Entities and Demonic Entities are, thats right, also really real in 2014 and they are as active in human affairs as ever. This Rothschild Dynasty and their legion of minions are in direct service to Lucifer (whether they are consciously aware of it or not); in fact, most of these humans are but hosts for parasitic infernal demonic energies and entities (Archons) and are unfortunately continuously subject to massive and deeply-bonded Spirit Possession. If youve ever read Anne Rice, this family and their upper echelon inner-circle are like those Aristocratic and vain Vampires and they maintain very similar lifestyles of absolute secrecy as to their true nature, mission and intent The reason why they are trying to destroy both this Planet and Human Beings is because like Lucifer, their master, THEY HATE GOD. The Rothschilds and the Demonic Entities that possess their bodies and minds- HATE GOD. And they also HATE JEWISH PEOPLE and that is why they use every opportunity they can to frame and demonize the Jews to induce Global Hatred of this noble little tribe of Kindfolk. In fact, most religious Jews condemn Zionism and they spend much time and energy trying to educate people on the difference between Judaism and Zionism. The Rothschilds are bent on completing their unfinished work that was ultimately foiled in Nazi Germany- but this time around, with mass NSA Surveillance and hundreds of prepped and ready FEMA camps around the country, they seek to round up all their opponents, protestors and dissenters and jews. These Demon-Possessed Human Beings intend to biologically kill our Mother Earth Gaia and ultimately complete a Mass Global Genocide. Why? Because they are at War with God and they hate Humanity because we are made in the image and likeness of God. So, the question remains, what are YOU going to do about Rothschilds Zionism?
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 16:35:29 +0000

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