Ok 9 more things you might not know about me :) kinda long but I - TopicsExpress


Ok 9 more things you might not know about me :) kinda long but I like to elaborate.... 1. I was homeschooled until 9th grade. I think its funny when ppl say Really?! You dont act like you were homeschooled! Um, thanks I think lol 2. Ive only had 2 boyfriends and I married one of them. Im totally fine with that. If youre one of those ppl who tell others they NEED to date around, bite your tongue. Not everyone needs that and its their decision. I knew I only wanted to be with Mark. Dating some random ppl when hes all Im interested in would not have made me happy. 3. I love makeup. I think every woman should know how to do a 5-minute face and a full glamour look that suits them. Looking good makes you feel better and you will be perceived better and treated differently. Ppl shouldnt judge me on my looks! Blah blah blah Well they do. I dont care what ppl think! Blah blah blah You shouldnt care what EVERYONE thinks. But you might wanna care about what SOME ppl think. And that thought shouldnt be that youre a ragamuffin. We live in a material world. First appearance makes a first impression. Its inevitable 4. I think mascara is a staple. There IS a time and place for make-up. I get that its not always necessary, but a little mascara makes a big diff. And if youve put on your makeup and skipped mascara, youre not done. You need mascara!!! My opinion... 5. On that note, I hate when I see ppl walking around in pajama pants. You couldnt throw on some jeans? Or even a decent looking pair or sweat/track pants? Really??? 6. I hate when ppl give me their opinion on something that pertains to me without being asked for it. I think thats the difference between being an asshole and being honest. So, I try my best to not give ppl my direct advice or input unless Im asked for it. But if you DO ask, Im gonna tell you! 7. Im a product snob when it comes to hair care. I only use professional products. I get asked But if you DID buy from the drug store, what would you recommend? Nothing. I dont use that crap. 8. I think Im pretty artistic. Im pretty good at drawing, crocheting, knitting, sewing, and can learn almost anything with good instructions. I like when ppl ask me to help them with this type of stuff or to make them things. Its flattering 9. I hate when men dont let women do some things. Like carry a box or putting furniture together or something stupid like that. Im perfectly capable. Ill ask for help if I need it. Real life example, moving and I want to help carry boxes: No no WELL get that. Put it down. Implying that Im INCAPABLE of carrying the box. RUDE. DEMEANING. STFU. I also hate when women act like they are incapable of doing some things. Especially when they claim to be independent. You need to be capable of at least doing the little things then. Example, I think every woman should know how to change a tire. Comment for a number!
Posted on: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 21:15:43 +0000

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