Ok, Emily gave me a six and I have been procrastinating a little - TopicsExpress


Ok, Emily gave me a six and I have been procrastinating a little which might be random fact number one hmmm ( is that cheating?) Ok, Ok Its time to get on it, so here goes..... 1.) I talk to myself out loud and often I mean a lot, a lot. I tend to think out loud when I am alone...who am I kidding, I do it when I am not alone. In fact, I have been asked who am I talking to more than I care to admit! 2.) I hate pickles, they are pure evil. While we are on the subject of food, I also cant stomach raw onion. In fact onion may be the armpit of the vegetable world. 3.)I can curse a blue streak and can be very unlady-like at times. I mean it has once or twice been shockingly offensive and yet creative swearing (in the right crowd). I do however reign it in around my children but they might have heard an escape ass waffle upon occasion. Not pretty but there it is. 4.) I love Love Love people watching. More than once I have amused myself with a game of making up peoples life stories based entirely upon superficial observation. The more outrageous the better. Thus I have gone to Walmart without the need to by anything, only to stare at people. 5.) I love power tools,and really most tools in general. Drills, skill saws, table saws, nail guns, hammers, socket sets, you name it. This is because I love finding, making and repurposing old furniture to make something funky. In fact the crazy funky stuff really gets me. Not saying Im good at it, but I dig it. Now that I have bored you with 5 random things.... 6.) normally I dont like confrontation honestly just avoid it and rarely ever feel compelled to address an issue with someone ( especially outside my family). However, I have a big problem with bullies and jerks and have been known in public (and at work especially) to go out of my way to open my mouth and draw the belligerent, douche bag doctors tirade onto myself at which time it might become a loud nose to nose confrontation; maybe even to my own detriment. Since I cant end on a downer serious note, Bonus: I have a serious sweet tooth, and May or may not be eating a chocolate chunk butterscotch brownie as I type this.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 02:13:12 +0000

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