Ok, FB friends of mine. heres a favour Im asking. The Facebook - TopicsExpress


Ok, FB friends of mine. heres a favour Im asking. The Facebook page of Ed van Amsterdam, a deceased friend of mine, has wrongly been deleted, while his parents wanted to retain it as a Memorial Page. Dont ask me how that was possible. But, I implore on all of you to get into the Facebook Help site, go to Pages and post the letter below, that I wrote as a template, in Feedback. Not sure if it helps, but my aim is to swamp the FB staff with this request to reinstate the page: L.S. On behalf of the mother of the in 2012 deceased Ed van Amsterdam, I hereby implore to the Facebook staff to reinstate Ed van Amsterdams Facebook page to operational status. This page was illegally and wrongly deleted by a person, who, as court ruling in The Netherlands has proved, was NOT his widow at the time of his death, and thus NOT entitled to delete the page. Shown below is a letter that Eds mother Ineke Lochtenberg has written, and I urge the FB staff to let their hearts speak: Dear friends. I have a request for you all. From November 17th, Fred and I are very busy retrieving the Facebook page of our son Eduard van Amsterdam. As a memorial page. Facebook promised us that this is possible. The woman who acts as Ed’s widow, is involved in our son’s death, and this is why we have started an Article 12 procedure according to Dutch Criminal law, while other lawsuits are underway.The bureaucratic red tape is notorious. Everything Ed has built for his children, has been destroyed by this unstable, mentally ill woman, with lies and deceit. She acted very quickly and had Ed’s Facebook page deleted. This unstable woman has made a grave mistake. I’m a mother in heart and soul, and will always fight for my children and grandchildren. That’s called ‘loving your kids’. Still fighting for Ed, who was entitled to a happy life, which she took from him. I know that Eduard rests in peace, and I’m at peace myself with that. But, I’m not throwing the towel in the ring. Not bowing down to this egoistic person who had Ed’s page, filled by him with love with everything about his life, removed so quickly. We are surrounded by the sweetest people, many of them on Facebook all the time. I implore on all who loved Ed and saw him as a friend, to send a message to Facebook with a request to reinstate Ed van Amsterdam’s page. I know that Ed was proud of his page. I know that he changed his Facebook password, in order to prevent this woman to snoop around on his page from her appartment. Now, we suspect that help from the Facebook staff is not forthcoming. Promises were made and turned out to be empty ones. Including the promise to return all page content back to us. We were slapped with all kinds of excuses and regulations. According to the Dutch National Police Investigation unit, all content is in possession of Facebook. So, in order to get Ed’s page reactivated, I turn to you, our friends. Please, all of you, get in touch with Facebook. We can’t allow Ed to completely disappear from the face of the Earth, as if he never existed. His grave is a great example, we’re busy with that too. We are trying to streamline things on all levels, in the best interest of Ed, and the promises I made to him. No one will stop me. Whatever threats, crap or lies this woman throws at us, she will never stop us. While Ed was still alive, she threatened to kill him, and the children. Those children were his life. Pressure was almost unbearable, while everyone knew that he had a heart condition. She knew that too. We can’t allow this woman to dance through life with a smirk on her face, can we? While everything Ed built in his life, including his Facebook page, is destroyed. Please, send this to Facebook. We have saved just a few items. Please share this. We wish you all a very happy NewYear. Fred and Ineke. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. With kind regards and best wishes for 2015.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 21:38:32 +0000

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