Ok Guys, Havent gone on a rant for a while.. but here it goes. - TopicsExpress


Ok Guys, Havent gone on a rant for a while.. but here it goes. Its positive though dont worry.... Weve got our new album S.O.O.N (something out of nothing) dropping in the coming weeks and I wanted to give you guys a refresh of what Ello and I have done in the last year or two together. Im not sure if people know or have been told that between the two of us we have had little to no history together as a duo prior to our initial Overtime mixtape - so literally anything weve collaborated on has been purely out of the love for music and the respect for eachother as artists, so essentially something out of nothing. The entire process up to this point has been a strain on us both, obstacles along the way.. disagreements between both each other and artistic associates and a challenge to squeeze in between all other responsibilities and commitments the two of us have, however with that I think has brought a unique sound out of us that we wouldnt have foreseen to have been produced. Massively thankful at this point to a few people that have contributed hugely to the effort that both Ello and I consider to be a collaborative effort on more than one front; Manny Etuale Sauni - This guy has put up more time and effort than many producers I know committing to a project. Not only has he produced beats, he has assisted with the development of a sound for us for this album that we are extremely happy with. He has put up with drunken nights and sometimes wasted sessions - which producers know can be extremely challenging and deflating.. however has persevered and stayed true to his commitment to finish this album. Now being on the cusp of finishing we can finally put this baby to rest Steven Tevo Guzman - Always lending a helping hand where he could, Steve has been an awesome guide for how we perceived our musical landscape to look. Locking in a little later in the creative process, he has assisted way more than we could ever have asked for and continues to blow us away with his energy and focus on what we have created. Absolutely grounded.. massively thankful he has contributed the way he has. Marc Fattore and Paco Geedup - These boys have taken us on and believed in us and our vision with their brand GeedUp from day 1. Always treating us and our music with the utmost respect and assisting wherever they can.. these guys are possibly the most humble, hard working and driven local brand owners I have met. Massive respect to the boys and everything they push. Always down with anything they have on the cards. Overall though... Really stoked to be able to drop this new music. Some may love it... some may not rate it at all.. but at the end of the day.. I really feel that there is some substance in the music and it means something to all those involved.. which in this day and age of making music for the sake of it.. is way more important to us than making a quick buck. Thanks to all of the artists that have also supported and contributed one way or another... appreciate your patience with this project. Been a long time coming...
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 10:06:26 +0000

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