Ok.. He obviously moved really fast and it did appear he was - TopicsExpress


Ok.. He obviously moved really fast and it did appear he was reaching for something a little too fast and the officer obviously felt threatened by his quick reaction ONLY. And this man (black or white) could have been reaching for a gun yes, but how HE is not Dead is a Complete Miracle! And Yes this is very FUCT up and Shocking!! Especially knowing he was just scared and ONLY reaching for his wallet as fast as he could. I really think this man had angels all over him protecting him as hes innocent OBVIOUSLY! Its so very unfortunate that he was basically racially profiled to begin with though!! The guys just sitting there eating his lunch cuz hes a hard working individual and thats the part that makes this whole thing really messed up! When are we as a society you going to stop acting like this towards each other? I know so many black people that do not hang out and talk to or have ANY White Friends and vice versa. I once walked up to a house looking for somebody I knew. When I went to the wrong door I heard them saying WTF? WHO DAT? Someones knocking at da door! Theres a White guy at the door?! and my first thought was Why I got to be a white guy? I kind of giggled to myself but it still bothers me to this day and that was about a year ago. Another example of reversediscrimination ,I know a Dj I loaned a speaker to. I went to go retrieve that speaker and this guy actually lived in an all White Neighborhood and hes sitting there with his buddy in the garage just drinking a beer smoking a blunt and I pulling in and theyre just staring at me and he gets up and he walks up to the car and he says OH! Whats Up DjRog! I was like who the f*** is this white guy pulled in my driveway? I thought I was going to have to shoot him cuz I dont know no white people to be pulling in MY driveway!..and we laughed. But in my head as I drove off I was thinking to myself, why would it seems so weird a white guy pulled in your driveway and you live in an all white neighborhood first of all.. 2nd How do you have No White Friends? I have a lots of Black Friends! Always have my whole life.. Honestly I think my guardian angel is black cuz Ive never had an issue with black folk. Not Ever in my whole life! I guess Ive been lucky like that. I grew up on Rockwell just off S. Jackson St. or on Palmer St. off Francis St. And Never Once Did I Ever get messed with as A White Kid. Ive never felt threatened or scared walking down anywhere on Any Street at Any Time of the Day or Night. Maybe I probably should have but I never did. I dont think I ever knew or realized that I was discriminated against because I was white by black people because I never have experienced it myself till recently. Even though it wasnt in a bad experience it was just Theres a white guy at my door or theres a white guy in my driveway I mean I even voted for Obama the first time cuz I felt it was time for people to stop being black and white and there should be a black president because he was the better person not just cuz he was black. But we all got that one wrong he was not the better person. But still it was time! No one ever thought there would be a black president not white people not black people they may have dreamed it or dreaded it but never really thought it simply because of the prejudice and black America against themselves. The sad truth of the whole thing is more black people killed more black people then white people ever did. And it goes on every single day! Jealousy, Greed, Lifestyle and Simply Not knowing any Better or Caring to Learn Any Better or Different Ways by Alot of Black America Makes the stereotypes Black America vrs White America Continue and Difficult. That on Top of blatant discrimination on both sides and the System that does On Purpose keep the poor poor and the rich, rich. And Doesnt Help at All. Not No One! Not White or Black or Brown or Yellow or Red! The history of United States has always been white against everybody else starting with the Indians to the Asians that helped build America and the railways to the African people that were brought here as slaves to the Mexicans that were running from poverty and finding racism and being treated less than human. Being paid less than whites to work in fields just to have a chance to work. Lets face it the whole race thing sucks!! In every way it is meant to keep us separate and my question is..WHY? Doesnt Anybody care to Realize just how GREAT AMERICA, Actually HOW GREAT THE WORLD would be if we all just loved each other as HU-MANS! Why does the human race have to be a Race? Its always Blacks against Whites ... Mexicans against Whites and Black . Indians against The White Man.. Whites against Anyone thats not White just like The Asians and the Muslims.. And when thats not enough so that its becomes White Russian people against White American people and so on and so on and so on.. Racism in any way shape or form is wrong whether its White against Blacks.. Blacks against Mexicans. Muslims against Everybody Not Muslim..or Russians against America ... Italians against whoever Italians dont like... WHATEVER! Cant We All Just Get Along???!! Lets just love each other! Whats SO Hard about that!??????????
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 18:54:45 +0000

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