Ok.. I dont normally participate in these sort of things.. I am - TopicsExpress


Ok.. I dont normally participate in these sort of things.. I am going to participate in this one, . for Elaine Evans, and Ron Sohler, This is for you two. Hmm. My number is 7~~~~~#1. I knew God was my Father at the age of 5, Not because my family was religious, they were not. I had an experience when I was 5 where I had to stay with my aunt, while my mom was in the hospital, My aunt was very abusive to me, my moms mom, lived on the same property a few hundred feet away, My grandma didnt like my father, so she resented me. so the only one left to run to was my other aunt and uncle, they lived just over the hill. I was arguing with my cousin I remember her chasing me as I was trying to get away, and landing on me, I wrestled my way free, when I ran to my grandmas for help, My grandma, called me a lier, so I ran across the hill to my other uncles looking for someone to help me. My cousins were home, but my uncle was gone, when they got back that night, they told me I had to go back to my aunts that I was scared of. I was terrified to walk back in that home. I felt so alone, with no where to turn. I was even scared to walk in the dark across the hill to get there, but I still felt safer in the dark on that hill. so I crouched down.. and just started crying. the thought crossed my mind to stay there over night. then a miracle happened to me that night. something I will never forget, which started me on the path of searching. looking. and never giving up on love. The only way I can explain it . Is kinda like a speaker being held to your back when the music is playing and your body feels the vibrations. I heard a voice. but not in my ears, The voice came from Within,.a vibration in my chest area.. I know it sounds far fetched, you can choose what you want to believe. but for me.. That five year old little girl, that felt so alone, and scared, was saved that night, by an amazing love that he gave me, and the sure sense of knowing who he was. he was my Father, my creator. .. The voice. said. I AM YOUR FATHER. ,. I,remember clearly looking up at the night sky,. wiping my tears away, and feeling so loved at that moment, I wasnt alone, he was with me, at that moment, I knew I could walk into that house, and be safe. I wasnt scared that night anymore. , He calmed my soul and gave me an understanding that he is here with me always. . I remember crying tears of joy,.. just knowing that he loved me as his daughter. That is what started my search for the love that he showed me that night. . #2 I moved alot growing up, I started school in Lansing MI, then Shepard, then St. Louis, Alma, finishing off in Breckenridge all in MI, It was then that my mother married Walt Anschutz. #3. I ran away at the age of 14, and moved to st. louis with my bf. #3, I then moved to Ann Arbor, with my girlfriend who was going to school here from St. louis, Mary Worthy at the age of 15. #4 I am the type of person, who is very open minded, I have lived and learned well enough to understand that life is about learning from the lessons we are taught by the choices that we make. .. without mistakes. there would be no lessons to learn. I decided at a young age, to never quit trying to better myself as a person, In any and all of my relationships, I have tried to humble myself admitting my faults, to those that wouldnt even consider doing the same.. simply because, it was the right thing to do. #5. I moved to Colorado at the age of 24, when my son was 5, and loved it there, one day.. I hope to go back and retire there. We lived there for almost 2 and a half years. #6. I have repelled, taken classes for truck driving , in indiana, drove school bus, worked as a shop assistant manager in colorado, changed oil, rotated, and balanced tires, and loved every dirty greasy minute of it. I am a tom-girl, most of you dont know, except the ones who are close to me. I love climbing , playing in the sand, .. just enjoying nature alone in its raw beauty. I am a very hard worker, that when I get my mind made up on something, I would do what it takes to make sure my goal was met. I am a very determined woman. #7 I learned of my gift of empath abilitys, and intuition, a few years ago, by getting the same response from a number of different psychics who told me of my abilities. .. I knew I felt alot of things that I couldnt understand, nor comprehend,, I knew,. I knew things that I couldnt possibly know, but just had a clear sense of knowing the outcome, of alot of situations. I also, knew it would mean that I would lose alot of loved ones when I searched for answers, and understanding. I believe, God gives these gifts, that sometimes feel like curses at times.. to his children, for the benefit of all of his children.. I believe, God loves me, for who I am, He and he alone, knows my heart, inside and out, he knows my true intention, Im not afraid to answer to any person on this earth,, their judgment of me,.. Makes no difference in my world. Honestly,. I feel I am here, to learn the true meaning of what love is,.. Love in every sense of the word. I want to become as close as I can possible get to accomplish, .. Learning all their is to know about this action, feeling, energy, that is freely given, out of patience, understanding, forgiveness, kindness, unselfishness, and true sincere intention. That is me.. that is my truth. ..
Posted on: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 01:43:42 +0000

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