Ok, I got side tracked yesterday with the fish bone story. Okay!! - TopicsExpress


Ok, I got side tracked yesterday with the fish bone story. Okay!! Best Halloween ever was oct 1969. My mom had got me a costume with a magic sparkly wand. I never could guess what was going to happen that night while wearing it. BTW, do yall remember those boxed costumes that came with a flame retardant onesie pertaining to your character and a mask with eye holes and nose holes that never worked out for your face. It was held on by an elastic cord which would tangle up in your sweaty ( re mask) hair. That makes me think of other stuff from the sixties or early seventies. Like : Dippity Dew, this pink goop that my mom and aunt would use to make their hair curl with their brush rollers. Ha! Also they would wrap their heads in toilet paper held in place with one bigass clip and THAT would keep their hair do ( 60s Marge Simpson hair ) in place thru the night. Or they would get the hair dryer out. It stayed in a pink suitcase with a nuclear looking hose that would connect to a bell over your head. Women in the 60s were big on their big har.OH! OH! Cinnamon rolls, chocolate milk and Scooby Doo on Sat morning.. Smell of my grandmas irises, going to Mackeys store for Dr Peppers and piemento cheese, a Utica ballgame being played, the lights shining thru to our bedroom, the smell of OFF on a summer night, Mountain Dews in green glass bottles, Jiffy Pop making a big silver dome, making popcorn in a SKILLETT, my girls Schwinn with a banana seat, shopping in the Chubbies at Sears ( Huskies if you were a boy), the glamour of the Utica Fall Festival, the ritual of getting a red dress for Christmas Eve, the music room at Utica was not a part of the main building but a little cottage that you would freeze to death in, Carolyn Johnson sitting down from me, rolling down the big hills in front of Utica Elem over and over, then regretting it madly because of the ticks and chiggers, lightening bugs, Ben Franklin on Carter Road that had glass dividers of penny candy, ( my favor was chocolate coins, candy necklaces, wax bottles with flavored liquid and candy cigarettes), Mrs Troutman for first grade, Mrs Baird ( her mother) for second. Mrs Troutman would bring a kid named Goldie into our room for spankings. It happened a lot. It had to humiliate him. Goldie was black. A lesson in predjuidice right there in the second grade room, a Saturday at Trail a Way and the taste bbq fritos and sprite, sand on your feet and the old guy feeding the fish , Mrs Downs 4th Tamarack class, learning the whole of The Golblins Will Get You If You Dont Watch Out, going to the little kids rooms, reciting it and scaring them ( and us ), watching The Waltons, Sonny and Cher ( if Grandma wasnt around) Gun Smoke ( Granddaddy didnt miss it) and Marcus Welby MD, summer revivals, Granddaddys old horse that already half glue named Ginger that we got on top of and and kicked and shrieked into her ears, the church ladies in the summer, sweat and talcum powders swirled on them like icing, summer floral dresses , too dark pantyhose and white sandels and purses. An aluminum tree at Christmas with a four color wheel....
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 21:14:51 +0000

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