Ok..... I hate to start this again, but its been on my mind and I - TopicsExpress


Ok..... I hate to start this again, but its been on my mind and I dont understand it at all. How the hell is Sephiroth the strongest? All he did was DIE against Cloud yeaaaaaaarrrs ago and he used the cells of Jenova within himself to manipulate every other attempted clone of him (which had Jenova cells) to bring him Black materia. The Black materia summoned a giant Meteor to wreck the planet. Sephiroth himself did absolutely nothing with his strength. To add to that, the Seph you chase through the whole game is actually Jenova, so everyone Killed within the Main storyline was killed by Jenova, NOT Sephiroth. Then theres the theory that even then, it STILL isnt Sephiroth in control who does everything and its actually the Jenova within Sephiroth (since he was implanted with her cells at birth) manipulating him, manipulating the sephi-clones, in an attempt to turn the planet into her vessel. Sephiroth was the True puppet. So in what way was he strong at all? When he was alive he was a great soldier, thanks to having been genetically altered, but he didnt accomplish anything. It was ALL Jenova.Even if he was in fact controlling Jenova and not the other way around, it doesnt change the fact that all damage caused throughout the game was caused by Jenova and not Sephiroth. You cant even count Meteor since he didnt do anything but simply call it over to the planet; its not like he created it through his own power or anything. Ultimecia Was a sorceress who used her own power to compress time, that alone shows more power than Sephiroth Kuja destroyed a planet with his own power Seymour was pretty worthless; he was defeated multiple times by the party Vayne...was a politician. he fused with that spirit thing, but he didnt last long, so IN despite fusing with the giant Bahamut fortress, I think he is a lil above seph I didnt finish the Xlll series so Ima leave them out.. Kefka gained complete control over master Magic and desolated the world with his power. He actually succeeded with his plans; hes stronger ExDeath had immensely powerful magic AND was a superb swordsman. In the end, he fused with a magic Black Hole; Id say thats more power than Sephiroth. Also, bonus points are awarded to him since he is, technically, just a tree Zeromus I dont remember... he manipulated Golbez and attempted global domination. it was too long ago for me to remember, so i cant judge Cloud of Darkness, from FF III, can not be defeated unless you have a dark soul and a light soul (if i remember correctly. Emperor Palamecia I dont know... he did die, take over HELL and come back stronger than ever. Garland...is hard. Hes got that whole crazy time thing going. Due to that time loop, he is a normal, disgruntled swordsman AND an inter-dimensional super demon from the future at the same time. So, the level of power probably goes(imo): 1. Exdeath (Ultimate Mage + Master Swordsman + Fused with a Magic Black Hole) 2. Ultimecia (Master Sorceress who can compress Time) 3. Kefka (Master Magician) 4. Kuja (Master Mage + Destructive Energy Power when tranced) 5. Palamecia (Emperor + Sorcerer) 6. Sephiroth (Ultimate Warrior) 7. Zeromus (Strong...I just forget the details) 8. Seymour (Master Summoner + Indestructible until sent) 9. Vayne (Politician + Fused with god-like entity at end-game) And the rest I cant rank due to either not having finished yet or utter confusion (Garland) I dont know where and how official this stating that Sephiroth is the strongest, but after playign through pretty much every Final Fantasy, I call BS on its official-ness. Theres no way in hell Sephiroth is more powerful than Kefka, Kuja, Ultimecia, or Exdeath. Maybe hes the most powerful being in Clouds Universe... but brought to any of those other universes, then hes no longer the strongest. I could see him as being able to defeat kuja, but with all the Magic and destructive power at Kujas disposal, I wouldnt consider Seph stronger. Id say Kuja just was a cocky ass and got taken out that way; hes still stronger in the end.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 19:35:41 +0000

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