Ok, I have been challenged by my good Californian friend Butch to - TopicsExpress


Ok, I have been challenged by my good Californian friend Butch to list 10 books that have influenced some aspect of my life and stuck with me through the years. Im supposed to copy and paste the stuff on his post so here this is. Copy from here to where I tag my friends. Bless their hearts. Ive been challenged by Butch no longer my friend Stevens, to list 10 books that have stayed with me in some way and to tag other people to do the same. NOTE: These books are not in any order. Only rules are, dont overthink it. They dont have to be great works of literature, just ones that have affected you in some way. Do it, then copy and paste this to your status. Tag 10 friends, including me, so I can see your list. Im going to expound on some of them and explain why they mean so much to me. And now: I challenge My brother Frank Lomas, Alan Evans, Dorine Eckert Favara Lanier, Adell M Lanier-Thomas, Rick Thomas, James C. Lomas, Marlene Mesa Tuyco, Alyssa Brannon, Stephanie Howell, Vanessa Lomas, Alese Patrick. Well it quit giving me the tags here so I will post them in the other section so it will show in their feed. 1) Miss Minerva and William Greenhill - This was a book my 11th grade teacher would read to us periodically throughout the year when we finished our work for the hour and we had a few spare minutes. It was written and read and it would actually take me to the place and in my minds eye could see the things Billy got into; his chubby little friend getting stuck in the hen houses hole cut out for the chickens to come and go. I saw the love Billy had for his childhood friend, Wilkes Boothe Lincoln, he was raised with until he left the plantation. It gave me a window into the way things were back in the turn of the century when the book was written. 2) The Gulag Archipeligo - Coach Donnie Burt was talking about this book one day in the seventh grade class he taught. I asked questions and he told me it was too hard of a read for me and not to bother. Having been slapped in the face in such a manner I got the book and started reading it. It detailed as best I remember the prison system of the Russian empire. Horrible crimes against their people and others. I didnt finish it. 3 and 4) Tom Sawyer and The Adventures of Huck Finn - This one is an obvious. I saw the knife thrown by Injun Joe. I went into the caves with both. From these two books I have wanted to explore caves and ride a raft. I tried to make a raft and it just isnt feasible to do with green wood that hasnt dried out. Our mother took me and Frank to Carlsbad Caverns on the way to see Jim in Alamogordo NM when he was stationed there in the Air Force. I fell in love with the place and want to go back. I was 14 and full of energy. We never made it to the bottom. I was close recently several months back when I was doing some work in NM. Sadly I probably wont get the chance again. At least not anytime soon. 5) Of Mice and Men. The lessons learned from this book are displayed every day in my life. Have you read my logs? 6) The ogre Butch was kind enough to let me list comic books. So, Thor had some influence in my life... I even carried around a small sledge hammer for a while when I wasnt dragging my knuckles around. 7) The Old man and the Sea. I just liked it. 8) The World Book Encyclopedia. We had a set growing up. Our parents got the annual updates. They went way way back. The book most read by all of us was the S book. It contained snakes. Always read about the snakes. 9) 333r3re Ok I fell asleep again on 9. 9 take 2) The Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings Trilogy. Carol Spencer was an awesome 7th grade teacher. She fanned the flames and had me reading these books my 7th grade year. 10) Curious George - By far and above my favorite. This is the book my mother used to read to me when I was little. I didnt know the letters or the words, but I could read the book right along with her. For obvious reasons I wish I could hear her read it again.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 11:27:34 +0000

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