Ok, I have been complaining all week about the crisis in Crimea - TopicsExpress


Ok, I have been complaining all week about the crisis in Crimea but I haven’t really provided a solution. However, I am not going to provide my personal opinion because that is irrelevant. Instead I will provide some ideas that make sense given the situation and geo politics of the day. So, first we just have to admit the USA is a global empire like no other. We are not a territorial or colonial like Rome or Britain, but we are instead an empire of interest and influence; that also has a bad ass army. We are currently the world power, end of story this is fact. This is also the position our gov’t maintains. So how should the greatest world power react when a slightly lesser power is starting to flex its muscles? First let’s be realistic sanctions won’t work on Russia. Mainly because the UK said they won’t sanction Russia, and because Putin has most of mainland Europe by their collars because he provides them with energy. The second option is the classic gunboat diplomacy, the US and whoever is willing to, can send a fleet over into the Black Sea and go chest to chest with Putin. This is a savage choice and could lead to a war, or Putin could back down. However, a backing down is also highly unlikely because Putin thinks he is a boss. Next we could just let this go and let him have his way. This is also a bad choice because it makes us look weak, and since we are an Empire we cannot simply do this. Another choice would be trying to establish diplomatic normalcy, or in simple terms try to return Crimea to the status it has been. Putin would not do this. The choice that can make both powers look strong would be this final one I offer. Russia and USA get together in Wilsonesque diplomacy of post-World War 1; we could offer the people of Crimea self-determination in similar vein to Kosovo and Montenegro. Offer the Crimea a ballot with three choices: 1) Remain part of Ukraine 2) Join Russia 3) Become a new state. Since two and three seem to be the most likely choices. Putin will remove his troops and look less aggressive, the US looks great diplomatically. The UN comes in to monitor the elections… after wards all the parties guarantee the independence of Ukraine proper (with an added NATO membership), and the choice of the Crimean people. Either way the Ukraine is going to lose out, so there is NO best choice. However as an Empire our gov’t must make a rational decision on how they approach this. I don’t like the idea of Russia STEALING the Crimea, and at this point, from my perspective, a faux election seems like the best of bad choices to prevent a war.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 21:55:00 +0000

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