Ok.... I know I said I dont rant a lot...but bear with me for a - TopicsExpress


Ok.... I know I said I dont rant a lot...but bear with me for a hot minute kk? Physical fitness is a life choice. Being in shape and getting in shape are work. Its not easy. Im killing myself on a daily basis. I dont say this because I want sympathy- Im doing this by choice. But for reals I cant remember what its like to not feel sore or beat up. I have injured myself a couple times and Ive had setbacks. But Im still working and pushing and doing it. Being fit is something that you have to earn. You cant buy it. You cant inherit it. It cant be given to you. It shows dedication and commitment and drive. It shows the world that youre a badass. That being said, I understand people who want desperately to be fitter, or thinner, or different than their current body. Not that Im some sort of fitness guru, but I do have a solid commitment to it, and I get asked for advice all the time. Im lucky enough to be surrounded by coaches and teammates who know far more than I do & who share that experience & advice with me everyday. I constantly have someone to help me, and Im very fortunate. I know what its like to be on your own trying to do it & so I never hesitate to offer help & advice. I want you to succeed. I want you to get pumped and excited to get fit. I want you to lose weight and feel great. I honestly do. Ive got nothing but respect for anyone on a fitness journey. I dont care if youre a Crossfitter, doing P90x at home, in a gym, pushing your jogging stroller (thats how I started!), or doing a yoga dvd. Were all trying and thats what counts. On the other side of the coin, please stop making excuses. Excuses are your enemy. I have had to learn the hard way that whining and complaining does not help you. Putting yourself in a self defeating mindset makes you your own worst enemy. You will lose before youve even started. I dont want to hear I wish I could do that but ya know I have that bad elbow and I slept weird on my neck and I twisted my.ankle in 1994 and I just cant work out. do you even realize that there are people missing limbs who work harder than I do? I dont think I know a single person into fitness that isnt working through some kind of injury. Injuries do not preclude you from getting fit. You can work around them. Excuses keep you from getting fit. Heres a list of common excuses I hear: I dont have time. -but you have time to watch tv or get your nails done or go out to lunch or dinner?- I have _______ injury. -working out with likely rehab that injury and make you stronger which lessens the impact of the injury on your body- I have kids & no one to watch them. -the gym has daycare. Leave them with their other parent for an hour. Do a dvd at home. Put them in the jogging stroller and walk/run.- I just cant change my meal plan because of my family. -healthy food is good & your kid/husband/partner will probably really like it. Make your meals and make something else for them. Husbands just want food. Make it and they will eat it. Kids are more receptive than you think.- I cant afford it. -cut out fast food, dinners or lunches out, Starbucks, mani/pedis & youll have the money to afford it. Walking is free. The Internet Is full of workouts. This is just a small list. But seriously. This is what I hear all the time. A bunch of excuses. A bunch of I wish. Stop wishing and make it happen.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 16:52:37 +0000

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