Ok I know some people dont like guns and try to make every effort - TopicsExpress


Ok I know some people dont like guns and try to make every effort to get rid of them. To be honest if you dont like guns dont get them nor call the police as they have guns (and they are more trigger happy then a lot of Gun Nuts out there). But that aside I been seeing articles with statements of responsible gun owner injure some person from dropping gun or Responsible gun owner prevents police from doing job by firing towards criminal kind of stuff or what not. The whole line is made to discredit actual responsible gun owners. Ever case that I am seeing that they are people leaving a gun in a standard purse, a fanny pack, or some other loose place and sometimes with easy access to others like children. That is not a responsible gun owner. That is like calling the people who leave a baby in the car on a hot day a responsible parent. That is not responsible to have a gun carried in an unsafe condition. They have fanny packs for guns that have a secure strap over the gun to prevent slipping and a cover over the trigger to prevent foreign objects from accidental firing. The same is with purses there are purses that have a secure area where the gun is held firmly in place. If you are a mother with a purse that has a firearm keep the purse out of reach from the child. if you cannot do that then you are not a responsible parent or gun owner. Another thing I have seen is some gun carriers keep their gun with one in the hole and the hammer back... I find it fine to keep one in the hole if you have a gun that has a proper safety to keep the hammer from accidental discharge but by all means with hammer back means ready to shoot. I do not condone that myself though I may get flack from some gun owners that choose to carry that way. This is just my opinion on this from my perspective. Last of all know how to shoot and have common sense when not to shoot and when to shoot. if you see officers dont fire in the direction they are but let them take over unless you fear for your own life. Having a gun and not knowing how to shoot is also the same as having a kid and thinking it will be fine leaving it in a baking car. A responsible gun owner is someone who properly carries a gun in a safe manor and knows how to use a gun properly and knows when is the proper time to use and not use it. To claim someone who just purely owns a gun and may possess a concield carry license when they are not a felon does not constitute them as a responsible gun owner just as much as saying every parent of a child is a responsible parent when they could be mistreating the child or not treating the child right or what not. Just saying that in the statement that responsible gun owner did this when x happened cause of improper handling means they were not a responsible gun owner in the first place.
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 04:31:07 +0000

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