Ok, I must admit I am having a hard time finding the Christmas - TopicsExpress


Ok, I must admit I am having a hard time finding the Christmas spirit this year for some reason. They say that ignorance is wasted on the youth. I do believe this to be true from my own prospective. I can still hear the snow crunching beneath my, feet the night sky lit up with stars and a Moon shining down like our own personal night light. You could hear the wind and trees talking in the night air from the little patch of Woods, with the laughter of Cousins, Friends or Neighborhood buddys. Sledding at lake Michael ( Hidden Hills) or playing Hockey on the lake using picnic benches as our goals. I recall going to Tennessee west of Colchester to a Tree farm to get our Christmas tree. My Family would go out in the woods and pick out a tree. I now understand where I get my dread to align a real tree in a stand, it was a ordeal with Dad ( like Rlaphies Dad and the furnace!) Of course the Tatham Family CHRISTMAS eve tradition, my Father and uncle Rex worked until 8 ish but when they got to Grandmas and Grandpas our Family was complete. My Grandfather Tatham would always read from the Bible , a gift exchange and later a candle light service at Calvary Baptist Church. It was CHRISTMAS as it sould be. Straight out of Norman Rockwell. The smell of Turkey cooking all night ( back then thats how you did it) a fire in the firplace. I remember my Brother Tom, gaurding my door to insure I didnt catch Mom and Dad playing Santa.....I would get up in the night and sort presents, I couldnt sleep no way. We would go to Peoria or Galesburg with Dode and Jennie for our annual Christmas shopping trip, there was always the Santa trailer on the Square that was decorated with the same old decoration used for 100 years. You had to go seen Santa! It was the best of times. I now see and understand, we are our Parents. We believe we are the last best generation that had it the best. I fear our future generations will never know such traditions. Later as I became a Father, I tried to pass on Family CHRISTMAS traditions, and in fact make some new ones. I am proud that my Daughters participated in the Angel Tree program ( gifts for less fortunate) and understood what giving was and that there is a Greater meaning to Christmas. The joy and pure happiness of the Holidays is a blessing to us all. We should use it for greater purpose. In these times watch the news, our youth, the Family structure or lack there of. The world we live in. Yeah, if I knew then what I know now, I might of appreciated it more. Maybe its old age? Who knows. Make your memories, appreciate them and each other. Keep the true CHRISTMAS meaning alive. Merry CHRISTMAS everyone. God Bless.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 14:11:06 +0000

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