Ok I really am sorry I need to explain. Why I am getting so upset? - TopicsExpress


Ok I really am sorry I need to explain. Why I am getting so upset? I have tried to handle it on my own but its not getting better its gone to far. I am a Christian and would never try to hurt someone the way. She is hurting me. I have tried talking to her, but she dont listen. I have told her I cant imagine what she went through that night. I do not understand if my brother was crying out for help to Gypsycowgirl Ranch Hand then what made her think she could get too him. She was 55 miles from his house. Why didnt she call 911 and give them his address? She is telling me crap for two days, patting herself on the back. She is saying things like: This is on behalf of the family. I never ask her too say anything on our behalf. She did this on her own. I told her last night I have not had any sleep, and I didnt mean to take things out on her. I have been getting lots of responses to people asking me why she is taking over his Facebook. I have tried to be nice but she is interfering with me and my familys grieving. I have been asking her to give me his password for two days now. She ignores my question and changes the subject. I keep telling myself she is grieving and she is telling me that my brother loved her. I know for a fact that my brother didnt love her. He told me and my sister she was a friend. I have been tormented bye her text for several days. Things just dont make since. I am trying to hold back somethings cause I would never ever do what she is doing to me. Here are some of the quotes she has stated: first she sends me the text that supposedly franky sent to her that night. Very upsetting to me. I tell her she is upsetting me. But she just keeps on. I told her that I knew she helped my brother. Ive let her vent, but she is being mean. I told her I care about her and we are having difficult with what she is doing. I told her Im confused and have a lot of unanswered questions so she goes off on me. She says the post are coming from her page . She said dont worry about it. She said she wont bother me or my family any more. Then she tells me. U were not their when he died... U did not see what I saw! She says she will not contact me any more. Then she says she was with my brother 24/7 days a week. For the last few months. This is not true. I told her I dont know whats true and whats not and Im having a hard time. Im trying to I listen to her but I cant do it anymore. That night is so confusing and I cant wrap my head around it. My brother talked to me that day and he payed his bills. She says he was at her ranch everyday. I know thats not completely true. What she is saying is matching what everyone else is saying. What other people say is matching what I know. she keeps trying to convince everyone that they were more than friends. She pressured my brother, he didnt wont to hurt her. She was nothing more than a friend who wanted more. But he wanted Jana we all knew it. You cant make someone love you. She is trying to put all the blame on her. She has turned his page into hers, saying they were in a relationship. I need to make this, clear she was a friend. She is insinuating that she is the only one who knew what my brother was going through. I talk to my brother a lot in the last few months, we were closer than ever. He did talk to me and I was trying to keep it too myself so it wouldnt hurt her. She is hurting me, it needs to stop. I told her I knew she tried to be their for my brother. But she keeps saying to me, where were you? This is so wrong and hurtful. I cant handle this. She is saying such horrible things, I know this may hurt her, not my intention. I need her to stop. I thought things were better with me and her today. I got a text from her tonight. She is telling me my brothers feeling, but how do I know if she is changing things for her benefit. She said he was tired of being judged, and people telling him what to do. What he should and shouldnt do? He didnt like it. She said she never did that insinuating I did. How mean? She said she let him be who he was. She never yelled at him, and never told him what todo. She had a strong bond. I told her I never did any of those things to him, and he new I would help him if he asked. I told him many times, I did not care that he owed me money. I would rather see him and be In his life than for him to beat hisself up.. I never made him feel bad and always listened to what he told me. He was a very proud man, and he didnt share everything. So she says to me. Where was everyone when he needed them? I cannot believe she could be so cold and wrong? How can she say these things to me its cruel? Then she says I was their for him anytime day or night.i never turned my back on him at his worse. Well let me tell you something woman, you have said the wrong thing at the wrong time to me for days. You have pushed me into letting everyone no what you are saying to me. Im not your friend, Im frank sister. I do not appreciate you trying to destroy my memories, I will not let you put trash in my head anymore. Stay out of my familys business and get on with yours. Lose my number, I dont need this. I was nice to you. My brother would not of put up with you treating me like this. I didnt do anything to you, but know I have. Goodbye
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 04:14:14 +0000

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