Ok! I seriously need to go shopping for clothes. The seasons - TopicsExpress


Ok! I seriously need to go shopping for clothes. The seasons have changed and Ive been down and out/unable to. I checked my jeans before and its a sIze 6 Ive been shrinking them a little, not doing much and dont want to ruin them so as to give them away but am a size 0 possibly 00 now. Plan on going up to a 2 or a 4. A 4 will definitely take time, I can see myself being a solid size 2 another couple of months or less, I hope. :::-). Found high protein Ensure vanilla shakes today at The Food Emporium today with only 5g of sugar and 8g of carbs. Am happy to have found it and bought a bunch of them. I l like the taste of it. One of my friends, Tina had bought me the smaller bottles of regular Ensure before but I had to stop drinking it after reading that it has 20g! of sugar in it. Am so careful with sugar intake, I really wish that everyone was and I hope that every one who reads this learns something from it, a little sugar is good not lots of sugar and low carb products too. Too many products out there have way too much sugar and there are many products which do not. Please if you do not currently, then do start reading labels! Stay away from high sugar, lots of carbs and high fructose corn syrup. There is such a thing as being too sweet a person, its called diabetes. When ever I notice friends with kids giving their kids high sugar products I always point it out. Sweets are good yes, every thing in moderation, a once in a while treat. No added sugar products, natural sugar is ok. Our mom let her sugar get so out of control which led to so many problems, I wish I could reverse it, however, I cant. After seeing that I was quite careful with sugar intake only to end up with very high sugar due to steroids attached to chemotherapy a couple of years now. My sugar would spike up to the 3 and 400s The hospital would call me in the middle of the night and tell me to go in for insulin to avoid being in a possible coma. I did not go. I believe its in the. 600s that a person can go into a coma with such a spike. Close enough though. Definitely not a pleasant thing to hear in the middle of the night. I was concerned, however, not at all frightened about going into any coma knowing how stubborn and determined I was to bring it down. At first it was constant then it kept fluctuating. My docs kept insisting that I take insulin and that I was diabetic. I kept refusing and educated myself more as well as changed my diet up to the point where my Endocrinologist enthusiastically told me that she did not believe I needed insulin anymore (not to mention the fact that I absolutely hate needles, no ways was I about to stick myself with one no matter how tiny the needle, of course this also helped with my determination to turn it around) I decided to take Metformin which is a pill and no biggie, supposedly helps with cancer too... I took it to help stabilize my sugar levels and I works. I was sent home several times from Nuclear testing (pet scans and what not) because my sugar was even a few digits over. 200, I would let the nurses stick me with insulin once to bring it down when it was 250, if I recall correctly otherwise they send you home. The Metformin helped and I had no more complaints not to mention I saved everyone including myself time. So... Sugar was more or less under control and then after the allergic reaction I had 2.5 months ago and not being able to swallow one morsel of food for three straight weeks, of course my sugar went way down and so of course I discontinued taking the Metformin. Am underweight at the present moment and working on it and of course my sugar is absolutely fine. Am cautious of what I put into my body and am 1000% convinced that i shall never again have sugar issues. If I was not stubborn and determined and took action I would be a full on diabetic today which leads to so many other problems on top of my current cancer condition which I am head on beating.
Posted on: Thu, 05 Dec 2013 05:09:05 +0000

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