Ok. Im beating a dead horse, I know. Im fired up and I wont - TopicsExpress


Ok. Im beating a dead horse, I know. Im fired up and I wont change anyones mind. I know. THis is an issue for me because it SHOULD NOT be an issue (at least partisan) for anyone. Its just common sense and logic. It doesnt apply to me. I have a comfortable job and I dont own a small business that may take some hit from this. Im not Walmart so I wont have to cut into my profit line to do this, (which theyll never do anyway) nor will I have to increase the cost of items by mere pennies. It matters though. Its an issue because it shouldnt be an issue. So I did the math. I did it for you since there are so many of you who wont do it. It affects all of us because the working class is withering into working poor and folks are trying to make it a democratic/republican issue instead of a logical balance of cost of living vs working wage. Heres the math, and you try it on paper and see what it looks like and tell me that we shouldnt raise the minimum wage. Jane Doe has one child and works for minimum wage, currently at $7.25 hr. Heres her life in a nutshell: To live in a semi decent apartment in the Houston area that is not in a crime ridden or unsafe area-she will pay $700-$750 on average for rent. If she works a 40 hour week (they cap her off at that) she makes $1160.00 month on average. She doesnt bring home that of course, because there are taxes, but come on, for the sake of this math problem, lets just not include government taxes, SS and FICA. $750 mo rent $100 electric (average) $50 Gas bill $50 water bill $350 mo car pmt. (thats pretty fair right? She has to get to that job.) $100 mo car insurance (uh thats low and I should know. ) $400 month groceries (she eats really cheap and doesnt often splurge) Thats $1800 month in bills and that includes ZERO frills. No cell phones, no Comcast cable, no internet, no outside costs like gas to fuel her car, (she runs that baby on rainbows) or a trip to the doctor when baby is sick (suck it up pumpkin). Oh, and lets not forget than this woman has to put her child in day care (ever paid THAT rate?) so we arent even going to include that. Nope. Shes getting free daycare just for the hell of it. What else is she not doing? Oh yes, clothes, medication, diapers, she pays NO taxes (what a mooch) and she doesnt splurge on any entertainment like movies etc. Emergency? Shes screwed but thats ok. Shes not real remember? So here is the MATH. She makes $1160 with NO taxes out and she lives on absolutely nothing but the bare necessities. That costs her $1800 month. Wait. Wha?? She is in the red by $640?? Whaa? I mean how? She doesnt even have a cell phone. Or pay for Gasoline. Or pay taxes. Or daycare.!!!!!!! Or emergency medication. THeres nothing normal to this list of expenses. Not ONE of us could live by that budget without either help, and even then it would seem futile. So now, you would say, well, I guess this chic needs assistance right? So she gets healthcare and some food assistance from the government. So that makes it a little easier for this person to make those bills. I mean, without food costs (cause we didnt factor in healthcare AT ALL) then shes only $240 in the hole each month. So, what then? (lets not forget that there is an entire political group who wants to cut assistance or not have it at all.) So now, shes $240 in the hole. People are either paid a minimum wage that has NOT kept up with cost of LIVING and they receive welfare benefits because there is NO other option, and even THEN, it doesnt provide anything to take the slack off. OR, we raise the damn minimum wage to meet the ever increasing cost of living, which helps folks because they can meet their bills better and those folks wont qualify for government assistance anymore. It doesnt save the world, but it creates growth in areas, and reduces the need for assistance in others. The people who are not working now and dont care to are not going to work when the min wage is increased either. We cant count them in this argument. I mean, come on. If you make minimum wage right now you have to work an hour to afford a bag of Lays and a bottle of water. I mean, thats the point. And if thats the case, what is the point. Wages always increase periodically in history to balance with the increase in living costs. No brainer. Must happen. How would you feel if this was you? Oh, but its not, so it doesnt matter? Its not me either, but Ill be damned if I wont stand up for what is common sense and logic. People are getting poorer, and big business is getting richer, and bags of lays potato chips are getting way too expensive. =) Please tell me you dont see this as a democrat/republican issue but as a Living issue. An economic issue. A fact of progress and life. Otherwise, lets hope in the time machine you are building and all go back to a time when costs werent so high and this wage was fair. If you disagree then by god please provide a logical alternative to meet this need other than the time machine theory.
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 00:50:57 +0000

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