Ok, Im going to get really candid with you guys for a second... I - TopicsExpress


Ok, Im going to get really candid with you guys for a second... I am a conspiracy theorist ( meaning that I have been following the theory of the New World Order, that many have been discussing for decades). The strange thing about the Eric Garner and Mike Brown situations is that they fall in line with the pattern that weve discussed for many years... The idea of a Race War. Many recall the war strategy divide and conquer where an adversary is able to destabilize an otherwise strong opponent by dividing them into separate factions and marginalizing their united power. Keep that in mind and lets go back a few years. After 9/11, and the implementation of the Patriot Act which weakens civil liberties, a number of predictions took place in the conspiracy theorist world: 1. Continental Unions- Much like the European Union that unites Europes trade and currency, many predicted that similar unions would be established on other continents. In the early 2000s steps were taken to eliminate boundaries between USA, Canada, and Mexico which essentially creates a North American Union where trade flows unrestrictedly. (Research: NAFTA and NATO). Its said that ultimately, these unions will combine to create a one world government, currency, religion. 2. Venezuela and Hugo Chavez/ Oil- Venezuela is the head country of OPEC (a group of countries that export the majority of oil and work together to set the market price). He who controls the worlds resources controls the world. For years jackals have attempted to corrupt him and marginalize OPECs influence which comes directly from the oil in order to weaken the countries and force them into an South American/ African Union. Fast forward to today. Chavez (no medical conditions) mysteriously dies and the price of oils plummets to all times lows. Next, smaller African oil exporting countries will fail because it costs them more to produce the oil than the market pays for it. ( Research: OPEC and Hugo Chavez) 3. Race Wars- Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. When a gang of ppl start to burn down a major city, the reaction from the government isnt Lets give them what they want, its a swift and DECISIVE show of POWER. The government allows protest, real protest is against the law. When civil rights activists used to sit-in on all white restaurants, they went to jail. Laying in the street (a die-in) is allowed therefore not really protest. The prediction in this scenario is that the white vs black scuffle will escalate into full scale civil war at which point the government will establish a totalitarian government. At that point, they will institute the New World Order and our world will never be the same. In conclusion, when I dont get all excited about the Mike Brown or Eric Garner situation, its not that I dont care or Im insensitive. Its just Im looking at the bigger picture. These issues are more about THE POLICE/GOVERNMENT HAVING INVINCIBILITY OVER ALL PEOPLE MORESO THAN RACISM (which is still a completely different issue). The media which has always been an agent of Propaganda is making this a RACE ISSUE and instigating this Us vs. Them mentality. I know a lot of this is tough to understand but let me know if youre interested and Ill give you some resources for future research and answer questions.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 01:22:58 +0000

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