Ok..Im just not gonna be able to sleep on this one...Warren - TopicsExpress


Ok..Im just not gonna be able to sleep on this one...Warren Central High School here in Indianapolis has a Yoga class!!! Whats the big deal? Glad you asked...First of all Yoga is not just exercise...Its not Yoga unless it is steeped in the principles of all the Hindu sects...It is a religious ritual!!! The word Yoga means union. The goal is to unite ones transitory (temporary) self with the infinite Brahman, the Hindu concept of God. Not a literal being but an impersonal spiritual substance that is one with the cosmos. It is called pantheism. The belief that everything is God and that reality consists only of the universe and nature. It is essentially self-worship. Believe what you will but there is a certain hypocrisy associated with a society that legally and legislatively embraces the unifying voice of New Age (Kabbalah, Taoism, Zoroastrianism, etc.) and outlaws prayer (out right). I know that I have friends that I love dearly who disagree with me, but I am unapologetically Christian. I know that if someone introduced a Christian exercise/stretching/prayer class to any school district in this country that person would be stopped dead in their tracks. Look, Jesus was socially and politically mal-adjusted. He did not spend His life trying to find peace...He spent it stepping up. This was the thing...He brought and continues to bring clarity to convictions and perspective. There are those who need us to be something other than that. There are groups who need us to diversify our thinking. Expanding Kingdoms require a unifying glue - something that brings oneness out of diversification and complexity. The Greeks did it when Alexander The Great conquered and spread his culture, language, and Greek Gods. The Romans did it through the personification of Rome as God and ultimately emperor worship. The English did it by implementing one official State Church. All of this was to assimilate and control captured nations...well guess what? If the state will demonize one group and legislate against the public expression and then embrace alternatives, that is a form of control....and that speaks volumes to our youth who take their cues from a variety of sources (aside from being largely under-exposed to very important teachings) What cue will they get from US. Christianity is being consistently depicted as this completely out of touch, always politically right leaning, hateful group who could not possibly embrace a life changing Truth. Well...embrace Truth. The real truth is...many Christians are well rounded, completely reasonable individuals, able to properly assess issues and embrace people with whom they disagree. Love...But Disagree!!!! 1 Peter 5:8. Go ahead and make some of your friends uncomfortable...its ok. #wheremypeoplesat#writetheschoolandadminstration#somepeoplecallitprayer
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 10:05:40 +0000

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