Ok Im proclaiming this now....if Moochelle Obumas face is - TopicsExpress


Ok Im proclaiming this now....if Moochelle Obumas face is plastered all over McDonalds...I will refuse to eat there until her face is gone!!! I dont eat McDonalds a lot but I sure do love a Big Mac occasionally and their fries are grossly wonderful! Not sure if what I read is true but if it is then by by McDonalds! Who the hell do these condescending, egotistical, arrogant, tyrants think they are!! They might appear to be more believable if they followed their own guidelines!! Such hypocrisy!!! If your paying attention... You have to notice that the left never ever follows their own agendas or expectations that they force upon anyone who opposes them!!! Think about it!!!! How many people do you know on the left who has a flint stone car, or uses wind to power their homes, or solar panels to heat their homes, the left loves to fly on Boeing 747( which takes a fossil fuel), they heat their homes through a electric company ( which is done by coal), the left has plenty of fat people but they want to tell us all how to eat, they dont like guns because they end up in the hands of the bad guys but they have just executive ordered a bill that will allow illegal aliens to enlist in our military, the left says all conservatives are racist but Im pretty sure it was the democrats who were the KKK and it was the democrats who opposed the civil rights movement and its the democrats who has dumbed down the minorities for 60 years and yet they continue to vote for them and still they are no better off today then they were back then! I think the minorities vote for the real racists, they just havent figured it out yet!! I could do this all day! Silencing and exterminating those who oppose the left is their number 1 goal! Why would one party try so hard to silence the other! Think about it folks!! If there is no opposition...they have no one to stop them!!! This administration is corrupt and completely lawless: example: They lie, they tear down, they break laws, they are trying desperately to dismantle our Constitution, depleted our military, trying to take our guns, want all out amnesty, release terrorist and war criminals, run up massive debt, allows a perverted IRS to target conservative groups, continuously try to rid all conservative radio and FOX News, out of control unemployment, half of our country is on government assistance, Benghazi, our ambassador and the others, Obuma bypasses congress and executive orders everything and really I could go on and on and on! Its time all Americans do some logical, unbiased, basic thinking! Things feel very upside down to me!!! This is not that hard to figure out whats going on!! Do not doubt me...this administration is right on target with their plan! Obuma tells us Dailey that things are great and he is well on his way to finishing his fundamental transformation of America! Oh dear Lord... The sound of that scares me to no end!! I feel it in my heart...Obumas intentions for America are catastrophic for our future!! God Bless America! Good night!
Posted on: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 03:12:16 +0000

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