Ok, Im sorry for cursing. A CHP office...a male CHP officer - TopicsExpress


Ok, Im sorry for cursing. A CHP office...a male CHP officer punches a woman repeatedly on the side of the freeway. And you ask is this excessive force...? Why is this dude on top of her in the first place? It seems to me that she is trying to defend herself, not fight back! That guy looks to weigh about 220, maybe more depending on his height and he is putting everything he has behind those blows. If this isnt a desperate cry for immediate law enforcement reform there never will be one. I cant tolerate the many cases of brutality issued by so-called peace officers trained to protect and serve. This justifies my feelings toward cops and how they routinely use their authority to oppress individuals. It would be wrong if this were 2 white guys going at it...but it enrages me even more to see a white officer beating a black woman!! Is this another case of racial profiling or did he have actual probable cause? But even if he had actual probable cause, how do we accept, justify and tolerate the obvious use of brutaliy? If I carry a weapon, it would most likely be to protect myself against assaults of this nature but to an officer Im a threat. Who is being threatening here? If I protect myself against an officers assault Im resisting arrest! Who says or determines I deserve to be arrested in the first place? When you show respect you get respect. When you show aggression or force you make people get defensive and defiant in return. Afterall, officers are trained to handle these situations, not so much the public. When you use brutality, you force people to do anything they feel is necessary to neutralize the threat. Thats not training, thats instinct and human nature!!! I say police brutally and excessive force constitutes a death penalty, that way, they will think about the consequences before they act! Extreme measures are required for extreme circumstances, otherwise anarchy is on the horizon.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 19:03:01 +0000

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