Ok. Insomnia is here to stay. I want to vent on my page that I - TopicsExpress


Ok. Insomnia is here to stay. I want to vent on my page that I removed everyone from to protect them and their pages from my psycho situation in New York. I moved into my building I currently live in back in July of 2013. A church said they owned the building and wanted to raise money to help said church. I moved in believing I was doing 2 good things: helping a legit church and setting up a situation I could work from home to ease the load of raising money for my brothers funeral and traveling to IL on his behalf. It has been nothing short of a nightmare since I moved in. I have been bullied by neighborhood punks, harassed by other tenants, and scapegoated by the very church that I believe has no entitlement to rent or collect rent on said building. I was incarcerated from 10/21/2014 to 11/26/2014 because I violated an order of protection on a neighbor by brushing by her to get my bag out of a bathroom before she went in. She got said order of protection by intentionally walking out as I was having issues with another tenant in the building turning off my power and forcing me make reports (I had already filed an HP action in court to look into the circuit breakers shorting numerous times daily, on addition to the numerous other violations existing in the building which appeared potentially hazardous). No attempt to fix any violations is made in my building without a citation being issued, which rarely happens because inspectors have no access to the inside of the building as our buzzer is a PAY PHONE with no names on it. They claim my building is a CHURCH as they rent out units with LEASES for rent without paying taxes. It would be of great benefit to them to get me thrown out through the criminal system since in civil court I am prevailing. Honestly, I cant even believe I signed up for this crap. They pretend to be afraid of me as they knowingly break housing codes and violate laws intentionally in the name of easy money (both sides- cheap rent in a decent neighborhood, collect rent tax free). Somewhere in the middle I got caught because of my involvement with legal issues in IL and their disdain for any legal entities being in or near this building. I just wanted to honor my brother and thought a church building would understand the issue of funerals and the grieving process. Nope. They are too busy hiding their own skeletons to care about tenants. I am now in a court battle to prove everything and move on to what I really care about: getting the indictments for my brothers murder 7 years ago. I want closure and these creeps want to punish me for not lying and cheating like they do. I hope it all goes well for me as I know closure for Scott is so close. I just need to finish this set of individuals issues as I deem fit : tell the truth and put blame where it belongs. If they end up in jail/prison or anywhere else, so be it. Their actions happened long before I arrived and their decision to lie to tenants was intentional and done knowingly. I will not take any more punishment for illegal activities I did not consent to prior to signing a lease. Had I known this was an illegal setup, I would not have moved in. Subjecting myself to more legal issues on top of my brothers case would never have happened. I highly regret not investigating this setup prior to move in. It cost me a lot, including my freedom for 30 days on a violation that carries a sentence of 2 days of community service. I want to apologize to my brother Scott, for not being the shrewd sister he always knew when I trusted these fools. I promise him I will win on both ends and justice will prevail. I wont lose twice. Just like the Hawks. I am following my high intuition on both issues and believe both will by won by our team. The truth never goes away. Lies do. Im still here fighting for you, little brother. Im the captain and my teams dont lose. Trust me. I got this. Love you and miss you. Merry Xmas.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 09:38:40 +0000

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