Ok, Ive been tagged by several people and have been thinking about - TopicsExpress


Ok, Ive been tagged by several people and have been thinking about this for a few days, and have decided to post 5 pictures of people who are most inspiring to me. First, we have Neil Gaiman, who is arguably the greatest writer of ours and the previous generation. I greatly admire not only his abilities in writing, but also his earnest desire to be a force for good in this world. Which brings us to my second person, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. He tried so hard to spread a message of peace and understanding, and its really disheartening that we often see his words being used divisively. My third choice is Ram Dass, who wrote some of the most accessible pieces on being present, something I struggle with but absolutely want to pass on to my loved ones. Im also including Nikola Tesla, the earnest genius who tried to change the way we see energy (as in, not for profit) but, unsurprisingly, ended up being drowned out by those with money and power. Last but not least, my darling daughter, who inspires me to learn new things and see things from anothers perspective, as well as to continue my journey in presence and patience. I love her a little bit, if you hadnt guessed.
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 20:57:30 +0000

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