Ok. Ive read this story and excited to share it to you. In one - TopicsExpress


Ok. Ive read this story and excited to share it to you. In one of the old high rise buildings in the city, a Christian rode an elevator with 10 other people. Midway the trip up, the elevator car stopped. A mechanical error had occurred. One person started pushing the buttons like there was no tomorrow. A few others started to shout and grow frantic. One man even hit the elevator door several times hoping people will hear them. This Christian, calm and collect, slid open a hatch and took a telephone, which connected him to the person at the lobby. He mentioned that their car elevator was stuck and asked them to check it out. He didn’t raise his voice. He wasn’t panicky. After a minute or two, the elevator moved much to the relief of its passengers. 1 John 5:14 (New International Version) says, “This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.” LISTEN: If you have made Jesus the Lord of your life, you have a direct connection with Him. Just pick up the telephone called PRAYER and speak to Him directly. No need to press the buttons. No need to slam on the door. Talk to God for Jesus had made it possible already for us. He hears your cries. He hears your hurts. He hears you loud and clear. Because of our direct access to God, we can pray, meditate on His word, and be fed with spiritual food. Lastly, don’t forget to memorize one Bible verses today.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Oct 2013 10:42:32 +0000

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