Ok I’m going to let my thoughts out. I’m sitting here in my - TopicsExpress


Ok I’m going to let my thoughts out. I’m sitting here in my home amazed at how accurate the bible is. I just read revelations 12 and I am trying to gather my thoughts of the timeline of events that I do know actually occurred already. This chapter has an outline of events starting from the calling out of Abraham to create a great nation of Israel out of his loins who is arrayed with Glory and Honor next to the time of Jesus and his ascension to heaven and lastly to the preserving of Israel in the last days. The Woman is crowned with 12 stars clothed with the Sun and the moon at her feet. She is one of the characters of this chapter the other character is the Dragon it has seven heads and ten horns. Another character is Michael the Archangel. The story begins with a birthing of Jesus with that ole serpent the dragon waiting to kill Jesus. We know in the physical realm when Jesus was birthed there wasn’t no dragon that waited to kill him in the logical sense but spiritually there was a spirit that did. If you know the Christmas story we know that Jesus was trying to be killed by herod. He ordered that all kids 2 years and under to be killed just to get to Jesus. One very important child that’s all. That’s the resolve of Satan. Just that scripture alone also goes to show you the dragon is in control of human government. So we know the story of Jesus that he died, resurrected on the third day and 40 days later he rose up to heaven. This is all synopsized in this single chapter of revelations. So that dragon in his rage attacks the woman. We know throughout history Israel was scattered in the nations. They were persecuted harshly of late. So the dragon is persecuting her. The biggest government body to persecuted Israel was Germany again that is human government sadistically somehow controlled by an evil force just as during the time when the dragon killed all them babies just to get to Jesus. The bible calls him the dragon. He has seven heads and ten horns. I’ll shift to revelations 13 says this is a beast has a body of a leopard (this leopard has 4 heads just like the book of Daniel describes), the feet of a bear (has one head), the mouth of a lion (has one head), and the dragon (the last head) gave him his authority (total seven heads) but the dragon is the diverse beast with the 10 horns so that is where the seven headed ‘ten horns’ comes from. So this describes the vast government bodies the dragon controls. The woman was given a Place prepared by God. Today the woman resides in a place promised to her that is the land of Israel or for secular purpose it’s called Palestine which I think should be erased from the history book and be called Israel. The Jews today are protected by their land. Without their land the dragon would have his way with her but since she’s inside the Promised Land there is a boundary the dragon cannot cross. Here is what is interesting the bible says she is given “eagles wings” and is nourished for a time, times, and half a time that’s just bible lingo for 3 ½ years. The book of Daniel says the Lion used to have the eagles wings but they were plucked off. If the dragon controls a vast government that means these beast represent something. What could bear mean? What’s the nation animal for the bear? Why of course that is Russia. What about the leopard? Germany is has a leopard for its nation symbol. Lastly who’s the lion that had the eagle’s wings that were plucked off? Great Britain has a Lion for a national animal symbol. So what happened to the eagles wings? Let me remind you people. When we declared our independence in 1776 we plucked ourselves from the government of the Lion that is Great Britain. Our symbol animal is the Eagle. So Israel is given eagle’s wings. Who’s our number one ally in the Middle East? ISRAEL. And guess what we are not depicted under the control of the Dragons vast government in the last day according to the bible. We side with Israel as I understand this bible. Today the Dragon cannot get to Israel My bible tells me the dragon shifts his attention to the Offspring of Israel. As a Christian I am a Believer that I am of the Offspring of Abraham. That means the dragon is shifting his attention on me and people that believe as I do. I do not think it is coincidence Christians are being persecuted in the Middle East but as for what my bible says about Eagles wings. I’m believing that it is actually America the bible is talking about and I pray to God for a turning around of this Nation. Because there is going to be a 3 ½ period of the mark of the beast that going to be implemented upon this earth and I hope we are not affected by it. The policies are being implemented all over the world today to prepare for Global ID. Wording in the Immigration Reform has what is Called National ID. We don’t want that if were Christian because we believe that is a precursor of the Mark of the beast. Revelation 12 just blows my mind away on how much information it has.
Posted on: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 02:23:33 +0000

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