Ok... NOW I AM PISSED THE FLIP OFF!!! I am going to address a - TopicsExpress


Ok... NOW I AM PISSED THE FLIP OFF!!! I am going to address a subject I addressed a long time ago, and my favorite professor can attest to this, and I am doing this because I have found out that the world has gone mad. I remember when I graduated from the University and our Dean was the one who gave the commencement speech. It was a great speech and I still remember her call for us to stay and help build a better Island (Puerto Rico, for those who may ask...) From what I remember, such speeches are delivered by people who are distinguished and have established themselves as models to follow, as beacons of light in the unknown territory that is the future. NEVER, IN ALL OF MY DAYS, IN ALL OF MY YEARS, HAVE I EVER HEARD OF COMMENCEMENT SPEECH BEING DELIVERED BY A COP KILLER!!! MUMIA ABU JAMAL IS SAID COP KILLER, AND VERMONT COLLEGE HAS DONE THE ULTIMATE IN DISTASTEFUL ACTS AND HAVE ALLOWED A STAGE FROM WHICH TO DELIVER SAID ADDRESS..... AND SATAN IS LAUGHING HIS BALLS OFF!!! This man, this convicted cop killer, has spent the last 33 years in prison. NOW... before ANYONE SO MUCH AS RAISES A SINGLE OBJECTION AS TO HIS GUILT, allow me to refresh your minds; He was tried by a jury of his peers, he tried to represent himself but was so disruptive that the court order him to have a defense attorney continue with the case, he was found guilty of murder by a jury of peers and was sentenced to death, he spends 30 years in Death Row until the U.S Appeals Court upheld the conviction but reversed the capital punishment decision of the punishment and had the Pennsylvania Court of Appeals re-examine the case because of possible wrongful jury instruction, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the lower courts decision, but sent the case back to Pennsylvania for the them to re-examine the case ONCE AGAIN. that court in the interest of justice decides NOT to seek the death penalty but stood by their decision because that court found that THERE WAS NO EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER TO JUSTIFY A RE-TRIAL. So... We can safely assume that the case was heard, and heard, and heard again, and while the jury instruction may have been incorrect, MUMIA ABU JAMAL IS GUILTY AND CONVICTED OF KILLING POLICE OFFICER DANIEL FAULKNER. IT IS A FACT THAT PEOPLE SEEM TO GLOSS OVER, SO NOW I ASK... WHAT THE HELL CAN THIS CONVICTED COP KILLER BE A MODEL OF? WHAT POSSIBLE MESSAGE CAN THIS CONVICTED MURDERER PROVIDE THE NEXT GROUP OF NAIVE GRADUATES, MANY OF WHOM ARE BLINDLY FOLLOWING ALONG WITH THIS HELLISH FARCE!!! IN WHAT HAS MUMIA ABU JAMAL DISTINGUISH HIMSELF THAT MERITS SUCH A STAGE, EVEN ONE AS SMALL AND PATHETIC AS THE ONE IN VERMONT? Could they not have invited MERIAM YEHYA, The Sudanese woman (American citizen, mind you...) who was imprisoned in the Sudan for BEING A CHRISTIAN, FOR BEING MARRIED TO A NON-MUSLIM? This woman had to endure months in captivity, the threat of death looming over her head because she WOULD NOT CONVERT TO ISLAM (She had been a Christian her whole life). She gave birth to another child WHILE IN PRISON, SHE DELIVERED HER BABY WHILE HER LEG WAS STILL SHACKLED TO THE FLOOR!!! Her faith was stronger than their zealotry though and eventually she was released. Here is an example of faith and human spirit triumphant against the forces of evil, a more positive message could not be found in this day and age... and there have been many. This woman met with the Pope... THE POPE!!! I guess she was just too good, too non-controversial, for these mental midgets to call. No... let us call a convicted cop killer to talk for us because we need differing voices in order to debate... TO DEBATE WHAT? WHAT DEGREE OF DEBATE CAN THIS WASTE OF A HUMAN, THIS COP-KILLER, PROVIDE SOCIETY? THERE IS NOT A SINGLE SOLITARY ABSOLUTE THING THAT THIS CONVICTED COP-KILLER... Now mind you, I keep saying the phrase COP KILLER because that is what he is... A FLIPPING COP KILLER... Here is another question for these so-called intellectuals in Vermont... Would you also allow Maureen Faulkner, the widow of Police Officer Daniel Faulkner, to speak as well on that auspicious day? They claim to want to foster a climate of debate... then there is a con to your pro, there is the ying to your yang, there is a counter argument, the one that matters, even more so than any single judge or district attorney or politician involved with this case. WILL YOU ALLOOW HER TO HAVE HER VOICE HEARD AS WELL AS THAT CONVICTED COP-KILLERS, OR ARE YOU ALL SO INTELLECTUALLY CLOSED OFF THAT YOU REFUSE TO ACCEPT ANY OTHER VIEW OR THOUGHT OR SPEECH THAT RUNS COUNTER TO YOUR OWN!!! Higher Learning... Forgive my rudeness to the future graduates of Goddard College in Vermont, but if you decide to do this, if you decide to spit in the face of every law enforcement officer who wakes up every day and does a hard and thankless job, many times for the last time, if you decide to laugh at Maureen Faulkners pain by allowing her husbands murderer to provide you with his message of murder, THAN YOU ALL HAVE THE COLLECTIVE IQ OF A BATHROOM SPONGE AND ARE UNWORTHY OF THE ACCOLADES THAT BEFIT SUCH AN OCCASION... NUFF SAID...
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 03:05:26 +0000

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