Ok. Now that its known that my last post was a bad idea as I - TopicsExpress


Ok. Now that its known that my last post was a bad idea as I attempted to integrate too many ideas into one post, allow me to start up separate posts covering my concerns and ideas regarding both China, and Isis. This post will cover my concerns pertaining to FIPA and China. References will be posted as comments in response to both these posts As you are probably all aware, Harper recently ratified the Pacific Trade Partnership known as FIPA through an omnibus bill, and it is set to take effect October 1. What you may not be aware of is that this bill is controversial as some are concerned that a particular article in FIPA may allow Chinese businesses to sue the Canadian government at any level (including municipal) if said business sees said government as doing anything that might infringe on its profits. Said lawsuits would happen in a secret tribunal, outside of Canadian courts, (the Canadian government would not be allowed in to defend its actions) and as such, could be fined incredibly large amounts if found guilty. Now, my concerns pertaining to this are as follows: 1. If true, how would China seek to enforce any rulings by said tribunal? Would they not have to put boots on the ground in Canada if say, the government being sued decided not to pay the fines? Given the rather close connection between Chinese businesses and the Communist Party, I am concerned this is an option they might strongly consider. 2. Given Chinas track record in recent decades since Tienamen Square, I have concerns they might attempt to enforce similar regulations on Canada in the name of protecting their profits. Now, some have claimed that as long as you dont stand out, then China will pretty much leave you alone. The sources I have been looking at, namely China Uncensored, and its parent company, New Tang Dynasty News, have been showing that even being a Muslim group such as the Weigers can get you persecuted. Practising Fa Lung Gong, which contrary to party propaganda, was never a cult, but only an exercise practise that even some of the communist party originally practised, and was only started for the extermination as the previous premier to Xi Jengping was using the fa lung gong as a scape goat to achieve power, has consistently had a track record of getting you nabbed up by secret police. As for other issues? Well, lets see...How about beggars being brutally beaten by police for no reason, police brutality across the board, the fact that you need forms for everything, and if you miss one form and cant pay the fine, you get nabbed and sent to the camps, speaking out, obviously, gets you nabbed, and a number of other issues. Now, camps, what happens in them. I mentioned the Organ Harvesting. What I did not mention is how the Communist Government runs this. Once anyone, including Christians, Fa Lung Gong, beggars, anyone missing forms, Weigers, Tibetans, and a number of others, are nabbed, they are, or at least were prior to Xi Jengpings anti-corruption campaign, though it might still be going on, were sent to labor camps where they were forced to do labor but were generally kept healthy as a stash of organs for organ transplant. Only a couple of years ago, if you couldnt get on the organ donor list or it would take too long in North America, you could go to China, pay $5000, and get an organ you needed in 2 weeks. The Chinese government would locate a suitable blood type match from amongst their prisoners, and then promptly execute someone if they needed to to get you an organ. In some cases, they would leave people alive after removing their organs, sans anesthesia, to keep the other organs safe, if they could, such as if you needed an eye transplant. Now that the labor camps have been shut down, the prisoners are still in the psychiatric hospitals (on the grounds that anyone who thinks China isnt a perfect state must be insane. Ooh, I gotta love me some Electro-shock therapy to cure my dissidence.) Unfortunately, there has been no word as to whether the organ harvesting thing has been stopped, so it is entirely possible its still going. Now, heres where things get interesting. I mentioned Xi Jengping and a former premier/former dictator of China. What I should mention is that there is a fight going on inside the Chinese Communist Party at present for control. However, the former Premiers supporters are attempting to turn the Hong Kong struggle for democracy into another Tienamen Square in the hopes of resting control back from Xi. If they succeed, then it is a very high probability that they will go back to business as usual under their regime. Now, how and why might they attempt to enforce their rules on Canada? Well, certain business partnerships would include both with Enbridge, and Trans Canada. Considering that Trans Canada deliberately taught US law enforcement how to prosecute peaceful environmentalists as terrorists, I am highly concerned that Enbridge and Trans Canada might give similar ideas to China, who in turn might enforce them in Canada, with measure far more stringent than what the US was doing. Anyway, I will post references accordingly in the comments, and of course, any further elaboration that you who are reading this might request. I advise you go through the sources Ive posted at length, as there will be multiple articles and videos, to get a full picture of what China is and has been up to. I will post again later about my concerns pertaining to ISIS and how I wished to try to convince them away from their violent oppressive tendencies, but I will address all of that in a second post.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 21:59:50 +0000

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