Ok Pam... I got 12 for the things you might not know about me - TopicsExpress


Ok Pam... I got 12 for the things you might not know about me post. If you wanna play, like this post and I will give you a # to respond with your own list of things we might not know about you. 12 things you did not know about me…. 1. I grew up in Kenya…in the distance from our home was an RAF base, I watched airplanes obsessively, one day I saw a parachute that failed to open…the troopers body bounced on the tarmac, emergency vehicles surrounded. After I graduated and had an assignment at an airbase I understood how strongly I held the incident and what had happened. 2. At age 5, I helped my mom sort hot peppers and she said “don’t put your hands near your eyes”. She stepped away and I rubbed my eyes profusely thinking I might see amazing colors only to feel my burning eyes. This was the beginning of a fascination with altered reality. I would find my imagination was always much richer then reality but abstractions were a beautiful bridge between both. 3. Two teachers that made a difference: Jon Reed Sims from Ben Franklin, who showed me that playing the guitar could be as rich and complex as the violin and I should not hate my parents for moving to Daly City. Jon is absolutely famous in the LGBT movement, I think because he could motivate and change minds. Dr. Rosalie O’Mahony at CSM who showed me that if I focused I could not only love math but kick ass at it. 4. There were times when I was working at Sun Microsystems, that I thought I should be paying them …an amazing ride. 5. I did a few “Outward bound” and “Outdoor adventure” trips, a critical part of my evolution. 6. I had very bad insomnia for many years. I found eliminating all (most) electronics from my bedroom helped. I don’t read or watch the news, what I consume of the news is what I choose and that helps. I have an old red LED alarm clock on my bedside table. 7. In my work there is a lot of “winning and losing”, and although I’d like to think some of these ventures are epic battles of will and determination (“Braveheart”). The big wins in my life have all been quiet conversations and moments of vulnerability. 8. I had an obsession with “Nubian” goats. It started with a trip to LA to talk to a guy about “Indian” (another obsession) motorcycles that happened to be on a goat farm. I think human society evolved from goats. 9. I have seen “Lost in Translation” over 10 times and still cry. 10. I drove many times between Los Angles and San Francisco, in the middle of summer, with no AC and the heater running to keep the engine cool. One time John D and I got out of the car at a gas station and realized we only had our underwear on. 11. Most heartfelt moment: watching my kids say their goodbye’s to my dad at his wake. I would not feel it for weeks later, and would not find closure until this past summer when their house transitioned. 12. Food: love it, but it is emotional with me. There were those home sick moments overseas where I had an absolute break down and had to have agendas changed to fit in a “Hard Rock” Café trip for a fix of fries.
Posted on: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 19:44:57 +0000

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