Ok, SO, I have put off posting about any of this but I feel it is - TopicsExpress


Ok, SO, I have put off posting about any of this but I feel it is time. The last month of my life has been 100% craziness putting this new house together and moving. So working with Beachbody products has been a challenge living in to places at once, but I want my entire FItFam to know that I am STILL here and greatly appreciate the patience from all of you while we get things situated. With all of that being said, when I started being a face for fitness, I promised to be open and honest every step of this journey. It was my vow to walk you through every piece of my life whether it be a joy and triumph or hardship, and thus far I think I have been doing an OK job. So here is more of me being honest with all of you. I met with a trauma surgeon 3 weeks ago about an umbilical hernia I have had for quite some time. During our consultation, we talked about ways to prevent further tears in the lining of my abdomen as this is my second hernia repair at 24 years of age. After MUCH deliberation including two days of back and forth including a personal phone call from the surgeon at 9:00 at night, we have come to the decision to remove the 6-8 inches of skin I have that hangs from my abdomen (which most people do not know about) so that I can continue on with my career while making a grand attempt at preventing further or any future injury, as well as repairing the current umbilical hernia plus a possible second hernia in the right hand side of my abdomen. I write all of this for multiple reasons, 1. To stay honest and true to all of my beloved FitFam members and continue to inspire and protect them on their journeys. 2. I am inviting you further into my personal space, bringing you through not only my triumphs but my trials and tribulations as I follow through with this very big decision. 3. I will be using this surgery as the basis of the rest of Motivate Mes Career as a fitness professional life. I will from now on be going above and beyond to provide you with all the support and encouragement you need to change your life no matter what it be. 4. To mark this as a start to the beginning of the rest of my life. I will now be able to move freely without worries about whether or not I will injure myself further.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 01:58:48 +0000

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