Ok. So as a comic collector its obviously come to my attention - TopicsExpress


Ok. So as a comic collector its obviously come to my attention that marvel Comics has decided to Kill off one of their most popular characters. James Howlett, AKA Logan. AKA Wolverine. So as the story line goes Wolverine loses his mutant healing power and becomes mortal. And through this Marvel writers are working in a way to do the Canadian killing machine in. Now this is an interesting concept at first appearance. But then this whole thing reminds me of when DC decided to do a story killing off Superman. I remember that because everyone and his mother were going out buying the famous death issue of Superman with the thought that in six months the book would be worth hundreds of dollars. As it turned out so many issues of that comic were cranked out that today you can barley get $30 if you try to sell one. I can probably say the same for the death of Wolverine. Another problem that I have with this farce is that marvel is spreading the entire event out along several books. So many books in fact that Ive lost track of how to follow Wolverines end. And, truth be told, Im not buying all these books. Why cant marvel have just one issue where the guy kicks the bucket, everybody cries at the funeral, then they all go home or fight the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. And then again what the hell is the whole point anyway? Every comic collector and reader on the planet knows that the guys not going to stay dead for long. Somehow Marvel writers will find a way to bring the guy back. marvel writers are notorious for bringing their characters back from the dead. The did it with Thor, Nightcrawler, Johnny Storm. Im still waiting for them to somehow bring back Professor Xavier.
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 02:44:48 +0000

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