Ok. So some may have noticed my quotes and posts have been a - TopicsExpress


Ok. So some may have noticed my quotes and posts have been a little different lately. More Bible Based as it were. I have always been taught that the Bible is Gods Word. My parents taught me this. Prabhupada taught me this. Govinda Maharaja taught me this also. So I thought, if its true, why am I not reading the Bible. I had done a verse by verse Bible Study a long time ago. So I started at the beginning of the New Testament. By the time I got to John, I found the old standard verse, the one everyone quotes: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.” I just kept reading. Not thinking about it much. Then I came across something in Romans: For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23 And that really hit me. As you know, Ive been trying to be really honest with everyone of my friends on FaceBook (you guys I consider family anyway) about how bad i really am. So, anyway, I thought about the verse and thought, ok that about sums me up. I sin, all the time. I could never get right with God on my own. Even if I tried for the rest of my life I couldnt do it. So what do I do? No answer so far, but I thought gods leading me along. I better follow. Trust God Maha. He has my best interests at heart, right? (Sorry this is long, but please bear with me guys. I will get to the point eventually). So further along in Romans I read: For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus. Romans 6:23. Then I understood, I cant do it. No amount of begging, praying, fasting, serving others will make me right with God. I knew about Jesus dying so that me might live. But I never thought about it. It never sunk in, really sunk in. I had for years been trying to get right with God. Trying my best, and not achieving anything. At death I would be facing God, on trial as it were. And have no defence. Then It hit me. Jesus Christ was offering to take my place in the dock and my sentencing hearing. Not just to speak on my behalf, saying I wasnt really a bad guy. No, he was saying, this guy is bad, but dont sentence him, sentence me instead. Jesus was offering to accept the punishment for everything I had done. Every single sin I had committed.past sins (there are so many, all my present sins (including my huge pride) and all my future sins. I couldnt believe it. This had been steering me in the face for years and Id never really seen it. Then I read in Corinthians: If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed, behold, the new has come I Corinthians 5:17. So I did what I always do when in doubt. I prayed. I asked God to tell me if I was right. Praying for me is not a one way conversation. Thats a monologue. Pray is as much listening to God as talking to Him. So I listened. Normally God speaks quietly. That still, small voice deep in your heart. This time it was loud and clear, and I wasnt about to argue. I knew what I had to do. So......I prayed and told God what He had been waiting my whole life to hear me say.... So I told God I sinned (like this was news to Him). That I could never get right with Him, no matter what I did. That I had faith that He had sent His only Son to die for me (well everyone obviously). And that Jesus had died for my sins and that I accepted Him as my Lord and Saviour. That was a few days ago. And amazing things have happened. When I read Gods Word (the Bible) its like Im reading it for the first time. This is going to sound nuts, but I dont care, its like Im a new person and seeing the words for the first time. Anyway thanks for listening to me.
Posted on: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 23:52:54 +0000

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