Ok. This morning was move out day at the hotel. You need two - TopicsExpress


Ok. This morning was move out day at the hotel. You need two pieces of information to make this a story. First, there are a large amount of shift workers staying here. Second, I will kill myself to prevent making two trips if I can. Ok so Im packed up and packed down, two 3 ton rollie suitcases, backpack on, jumbo pack of TP under one arm, two sling over the shoulder bags and a laptop. One little gem left is a hard plastic tote that I keep all the bathroom stuff in, meds, razor, first aid (Christy said to take) and.......and a beard trimmer. I hobble out into the hall with people coming in from work at 6 this morning packed like a mule to Everest. I have thing for checking over and over again for the room key, it almost needs to be in my hand when the door shuts. Well its in my pocket, i know this, i put it there. Thats not good enought so I start digging for it while I prop the door open. I find it but in the process I loose grip on that hard plastic tote, im fresh out of open hands so I body slam it against the now closed door. Awesome, crisis averted, it didnt spill, buuuuuut.......my beard trimmer had managed to turn itself on and vibrate against the plastic side. Turning it off meant a complete unpack in the hall with people streaming in. So I man up and walk the 45 mile hall looking each construction worker right in the eye and said good morning loudly over the drone of my vibrating beard trimmer.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 13:08:44 +0000

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