Ok a letter I wrote 7/29/1997 to god after Yukiko and I had our - TopicsExpress


Ok a letter I wrote 7/29/1997 to god after Yukiko and I had our first argument and she I think was out of country and Chizu wanting to borrow her car and mime was fried. My Buick... I remember chizu said she filled the oil but to much oil and the engine blew later oil seals. But not sure but this was the first by hand questioning to god. I was writing a book before Yukiko and I got together. A novel about my trips of acid while doing the sat test and pasing it to drop out college. And all the writing I did until 6/11/1997. I think I got fired three weeks after I stopped at Fredmeyers... I got sick.. And went to my soliciting job..cam ty.. Well I wrote a letter to god 10/15/2014 because I got an answer.. From the first letter that god had to show me by breaking through my sanity in 2007 and I have been chasing the paper work. I must publish this is to much work to lose. I since 1997 since Yukiko and i met was working on a inside project to make a computer take the subconscious mind your soul basically and life forever. I wrote notes of neurology and a way to transfer the data to a wet cell memory bank using a trinity or quebit system....a computer that is one bit more attractive. instead of off and on. You have wiring like beyond. So instead of true and false, a true witch is 1 false which is -1 and maybe 0 or 2. It comes out to be an trinery octal system so this computer will be using Unix the bare bone version.. So for a balanced ternary system it would be -1 0 1 ... 3 9 27 81 243 729 2187. Like binary 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256. but this system would be much more advanced then binary. the goal would be to have a system that would be EMP PROOF. So a solar flare or a nuclear bomb detonate would have zero affect on the computer. I dream of this system sometimes.. I can create it science fiction novel. Tearing asteroids will be using this when I write to make that novel...but yea God answered mu letter on August 6Th. And he let souls and sprite use read write and executive access for self octal permission just before I had a chance to write it down on my Doors Operating system.... I am going to say this in court. Maybe they can understand god no longer wants me to do research and delopment on this Manuel but wants me to strengthen my math skills instead.. Boy in jail for extended amount of time, can the judge allow me my math books and notes...i would spend the entire time studding math to take a test and squire my AA...then transfer to the UW and finish computer science degree and work even further to a masters and doctorates so I cam build a new kind of is and computer before China makes one and we lose or sanity. My computer will be running on decay of Californium and americium and wont have to have a recharge for over eighty years. anyhow on an empty stomach dreaming.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 01:23:15 +0000

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