Ok ... after a long time of consideration (since the night of the - TopicsExpress


Ok ... after a long time of consideration (since the night of the last election here, which was November 6th), continual prayer (every day, all day long - as Im in the middle of everything else Im doing), and a nice break from paying much attention to anything political, Ive decided to end my hiatus. Im re-entering politics, but in an extremely limited and minimal way (compared to what Im capable of, if I didnt have my current level of responsibilities). And its not breaking a promise, since I didnt say for how long I was leaving. I had to remove myself because I was in the middle of resolving what appeared to be a contradiction (but that I know now - in hindsight and retrospect - is not). Before I explain the apparent contradiction, I want to say that if Im ever unsure about anything at all, I will not be part of it. Unless I have absolute assurance (which only comes from first-hand observable empirical knowledge and experience), I will not make any decisions based on what I think *might be the truth. Until I know, I dont act. And I dont agree. Heres the apparent contradiction: Christ never entered politics, and were to use Him as an example (to do what He did), which by the way, happens automatically in the life of a believer - since its Him living our lives for us, *if we are in fact believers ... from my words to your ears - whoevers reading this ... but Christ never typed on Facebook either. And I cant imagine that I shouldnt be giving my testimony and sharing my faith (every day in fact), on a platform thats visible to the entire world of people who happen to have access to facebook and happen to be facebook friends with me and happen to see my posts. Which is a lot of witnessing at once, since I happen to have 1,632 friends at the moment. So I thought that it was instruction (via example, not an actual commandment) for me (as a believer) to not be involved in politics. Someone alluded to that once, and its someone I trust to an extremely high degree. So I resigned from being involved. But that resignation was for consciences sake, in order not to take a chance that I might be doing something wrong, or that it could be perceived as doing something wrong, and thus being damaging to my testimony as a Christian. But theres nothing to say (theoretically at least anyway), that a Christian cant be involved in politics. Ive looked for it in the Bible, and cant find a direct commandment not to be involved. If anyone finds one, let me know, and Ill withdraw my involvement in any way, and for good - until I breathe my last breath. And thats a promise. Because as a Christian, I am in complete compliance to Gods commandments - when I know what they are. If *others have told me something about what they *think is Gods commandment (without proof), and especially when it violates something in the Bible, I wont listen. And I wont act on it either - until and unless I know whether it is (or is not) Gods will. And the test is whether it conforms to whats in the Bible - without contradiction to anything else in the Bible. That book is 100% *without contradiction, despite what individual people might be trying to make it inconsistent about, in order to justify their own self (instead of conforming to what Gods will is). So ... when I promised to shut my PAC down, I meant it - and am in the process of closing it. I have until the end of the year to submit the form to close it (if I dont want to submit another campaign finance report for the first part of 2014 - which I dont), and then it will be closed. I have a few other things to do with the paperwork of it before then, but after those is are dotted the whole thing gets closed. I also promised that it was my last post on politics, and I did mean it, but didnt give a timeframe. It wasnt that I withheld a timeframe deliberately (since I wasnt trying to leave an open door), but since Im not only *not breaking the promise, but Im also explaining why its not a broken promise, I have no qualms about making *this post ... about politics. Its not a broken promise when its clarifying something and making it clear - it *is a broken promise if clarity is present, and a decision is made. I didnt have clarity back then, and is why Im taking so long to explain this now - (for claritys sake). I said that politics is only mans opinion vs. opinion vs. opinion vs. opinion and it never ends. But thats the current state of affairs, not an inevitability. Gods principles *can be restored to government, but only if enough people are in obedience of (dependence in) those principles. Thats a pretty big if (maybe the biggest if). But it is *theoretically possible, and with God - ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE. As an aside (and because people have accused me of this before, but in other areas) ... If anyone is wondering if I might be re-entering politics for my own benefit (above and at the expense of benefiting *others), then let me assure you that Im not. My life as a Christian now is wholly devoted to the sake of others (God primarily, and then in this order: my immediate family (as well as my business associates - in order to provide for that family), then my extended family, then my friends, then my acquaintances. We are in fact witnessing the demise of our individual liberty more and more as time goes on. And until and unless we restore that liberty, instead of let others take it away, we will always be closer and closer to destruction. The exact time that we get to a complete and total destruction, I cant tell you. I cant tell you because I dont know. God knows, but I havent asked Him, and He hasnt told me. I havent asked Him (in prayer), because I really dont care when that may be - it says no man knows the hour, so Im only concerned about honoring God in whatever Im involved in until He decides to remove me from this earth (whenever that may be ... I pray for a long life - *if that be Gods will, but only He knows the number of days I have left). Also, Christ said not to worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow has enough trouble of its own. I also wanted to make the point about being motivated by others to explain why Im only going to be involved in a limited and minimal way in politics. We do have a baby on the way, and that will consume my time in just a few days - Thanksgiving is right around the corner, and then well have the baby a week later, if things go according to schedule. And I have a lot of work to do before then. So Im only going to do what I know I can do without abandoning the current responsibilities that I have. If what I want to do in politics takes longer than I would ideally want, then so be it. Because the ultimate truth is that POLITICS IS NOT THAT IMPORTANT. Most people know this instinctively, except for most of the current politicians, and would-be (aspiring) politicians. But its not as important as 1) honoring God, 2) providing for our families and keeping promises to our business associates, 3) helping our friends, and 4) helping our acquaintances when they ask, and *if we can (given our other current responsibilities). And thats why politics goes to the bottom of the list (as # 5) of those priorities - and thats only if we choose to be involved in politics. The ones who havent chosen that dont have that on their list at all, and thats ok. Ideally, not that many would need to be involved in government anyway because (and again this is ideally) - government would be functioning in an incredibly limited way (compared to now), and because we wouldnt need many people in there. We dont need more people involved (as politicians), we just need to replace the ones headed in the wrong direction with those that are headed in the right direction. And that right direction looks backward to those headed in the wrong direction. Politics is also not that important because of Romans 13 - God sets up governments for His own purpose. And that purpose is to punish evil. NOT TO BRING ABOUT GOOD. Too many politicians think that theyre doing Gods will (since God sets up the governments that exist), but by implementing laws to make things better. The reverse is actually true though - the more laws we have, the more evil will be done. Then they need to pass more laws to try and combat the evil, and then we get more evil (since people want to rebel against more and more rules). So the only way out of the dilemma (until Christ Himself comes back) is to repeal laws and rules. Were moving in the wrong direction, and need to stop. Turn around. And then go the other way. We probably need to go all the way back to the Constitution and Bill of Rights, and repeal every law ever enacted since then. Those documents were intended to be CHAINS on government, not opportunities to expand it. But first things first. With everything else I have going on, Im only taking on 2 limited ventures (which may take a while). Im going to be starting a campaign soon to urge people NOT TO VOTE. For anything. At all. If everyone stays home, then maybe certain politicians will start to understand that theyre not the center of the universe like they *think they are. I know not all politicians think this way, (Ive met and talked to some that are very humble - one of them just got elected here in my county). But some have egos bigger than this entire planet, and need to become humbled first in order to see that what theyre doing is moving in the wrong direction. Only then, once theres enough agreement that we need to reverse directions, will we be able to. But we need to remove the impediments first - *and by doing it LEGALLY. AND NON-VIOLENTLY. Thats so we dont violate the commandment of God that we need to be in submission to the government. We can change laws (which is legal) or repeal them (which is also legal). Both of those are actually obeying the commandment of being in subjection (obedience) to the government. They will make it harder and harder to do so, but well have to be *more creative and think faster to comply with all laws that exist. And we can - and the reason we can is that theres more of us than there is of them. Almost 314 million (and God only knows how many illegal immigrants) vs. the small number of people in government is a pretty nice margin. Some of the politicians know this - one of them told me this personally, in front of about 30 other people a few months ago. And that person was the mayor of one of the largest cities in Northeast Ohio, and the largest city in our county. If he knows, then I can guarantee that a lot of others do as well. Now, let me give a warning to anyone that might take that advice the wrong way ... if anyone breaks a law or tries to initiate violence or threats, I will advocate punishment for them (to the extent that they have broken the law). For example, after the trial, the kid that shot at congresswoman Giffords probably needs to be shot himself (in the same way that he shot her). And then get shot 12 more times, but only injured. And then killed. Because thats exactly what he did that day - 6 dead, 12 injured (not including Giffords), for a total of 13. If people are concerned about lunatics enacting violence with handguns, then start enacting sentences like that, televise it, and then see if the amount of shootings goes up or down. Matthew 26:52b is the principle: all those who take up the sword shall perish by the sword. I think Judge Judy knows that, and Ive heard another local judge knows that too (that just got elected). I dont know that to be true (through first hand experience), so Im only sharing what Ive *heard now. If enough of the people who are trying to initiate a peaceful, non-violent restoration of liberty in our government start acting in ways that are opposed to that principle, then I will remove myself entirely - because I will not be associated with *anything that is acting in one voice to be opposed to *any of Gods commandments. Anyone who knows me, knows from first-hand experience that I will not be associated with anything that I dont agree with - at least not in the time that Ive come back from DC, when I gave my life to the Lord right in front of the White House. If eventually removing myself from politics (if things go as described above) means I stay as a small time contractor in Cuyahoga Falls Ohio with only my few jobs that provide for my family, and nothing else - then so be it. I will be in compliance with Gods commandments at *any cost. The next thing that I will campaign to do (maybe simultaneously with the DONT VOTE campaign), is to campaign to change the Ohio law that says a voter database needs to be available (and searchable by name), which also reveals the addresses of every person that is registered to vote. Our rights to privacy are NOT to be violated, just because we want to cast a vote (if we so choose to). Even more reason NOT TO VOTE - until that law gets changed. The reason it needs to get changed is that we *do need to know where to vote, but thats an easy fix - if the database is searchable by address, then the site can return the polling location for that address. I would also want to pass another law that says the polling locations can NEVER change. EVER. If were flying around in our own personal spaceships someday instead of cars, that polling location should NOT be any different than it is today. Maybe one way to do that is to have a government building act as the polling location. Maybe its a special building that already exists (like a post office - once they all get closed so that FedEx or someone else can deliver the mail successfully and on time, we wont need post offices anymore anyway). So make them polling locations. As technology improves, we wont need as much room for people to go to a building anyway - but its there for anyone who *wants to go. The thing about technology that scares people, is that its easily hacked. But in the same way that there are methods in place to ensure accountability in the paper ballot system (here in Summit County anyway), there has *got to be ways to have the same accountability in a more technologically advanced system. Whether that system is voting online, through one of those systems that only allow one vote per person (once you enter your credentials), or some other system - I cant say. But a system where you have to enter your name and social security number, and only allows one vote (unless you agree to discard the first vote and change your mind - like you can now with the paper ballots) seems like a good option to start with. Complete visibility and accountability would need to be incorporated into that system as well. So those are my limited ventures that Ill be involved with ... and I dont know how long it will take, or how successful it will be. Im not making any promises other than I will start the campaigns at some point in the future, once I can be assured that it will not interfere with my other responsibilities. If anyone would like to help, let me know. Ive already gotten one commitment (from a *very reliable source), but since I havent talked to him yet about this post, I wont say who it is - since I dont have authorization from him to make his name known. But thats all Ive decided to be involved with (in politics) for now. And theres certain people around this area that better be hoping beyond hope that I dont get involved with fighting the manipulation and deception that theyre involved with - and those people know who they are. Theyve met me, seen me, and know that once I get involved, Im *fully committed to victory - and have helped to win that victory in the one local campaign that Ive ever been involved with. Ultimately, the deceivers won the next battle, but that was because I was too busy with work in order to keep fighting, and had made a promise to my business associates that I would not be involved with any politics at that time. So I stepped down, and evil was enacted - the means that it was enacted was by manipulation, through the use of a threat. And the threat inspired enough fear in members of the community that they eventually caved. And this is the state of *some public servants in this area (and most that are in the entire country). And I call them public servants because its an organization that pays some of their members with *our tax dollars, and we elect some of the others. They may say theyre not government, but they are. That last paragraph was not a threat - it was a promise. And those are 2 different things, not a catch phrase meant to be funny. A threat manipulates by using fear - a promise is the transparent use of love, in order to benefit the one being promised. As God has promised us salvation *if we repent, and depend on Him (since He loves us), so I am making the promises I am - for the benefit of those *I love ... in politics, for the benefit of my community that I care about. But Ive also promised to take care of our child, to love my girlfriend, to fulfill my business promises, to love my extended family, and to make myself available to friends and acquaintances (as Im able). My girlfriend can testify to this, my business associates can testify to this, my extended family can testify to this, and friends and acquaintances can also testify to this - some of them have my old phones. Some of them have my help (whenever they need it). One of them has my last car, and a few others have job opportunities with my firm when the positions open. One has been given some of the best designs of projects in Jamaica to build his firm with down there, and a few of them have the opportunity to make hundreds of thousands of dollars on one of the projects Im working on locally. One of them has the full and complete part of my heart thats mine to give (the romantic part). And one of them soon will have my undivided love as a father. But I praise God for all those things, and give Him the glory. The last few weeks have been pretty exciting - the most exciting of my life so far ... and I praise God for that. Im not taking any credit for it, other than stepping through doors when theyre opened (by God), and stepping back when others are closed (by God). But the weeks ahead will be more exciting, and I praise God for that too. To Him be *all glory ... forever and ever. Amen.
Posted on: Sat, 23 Nov 2013 07:55:39 +0000

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