Ok all my Progressive Friends...Syria. We were not attacked by any - TopicsExpress


Ok all my Progressive Friends...Syria. We were not attacked by any of the folks fighting that civil war, I am hearing John Kerry talk about WMDs again and their use and now we are looking at yet another middle east incursion and for what? There isnt any oil in there to even justify an economic interest. Article 2 Section 8 of the Constitution is clear...and I quote Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes,duties, imports and excises to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States, but all duties, imposts and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States; (10th duty down) to Declare War, grant letters of Marque abd Reprisal and make rules concerning Captures on land and water.... So, if the President unillaterally commits forces to punish Syria and he does not consult Congress are any of my Progressive Friends going to chide this man for an illegal and unjust war? He did this in Libya and I predict it happens again with Syria. In hind site Iraq was a waste of blood and treasure, but at least George W Bush went to Congress and asked for permission to go there and the wimpy Congress never declared war either. That WMD thing was initially the mantra for Iraq even by Kerry and then he turned coat and attacked then President Bush when we found little evidence. Now Secretary State Kerry is stating we need to go because of WMDs. Syria is a bad move for us as a nation I believe. Team America, world police here we go......
Posted on: Mon, 26 Aug 2013 23:08:38 +0000

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