Ok, both Stuart Culshaw and Natalie Hedley nominated me for this - TopicsExpress


Ok, both Stuart Culshaw and Natalie Hedley nominated me for this 10 book challenge thing. Here is the game List 10 books that have stayed with you in some way. Dont take more than a few minutes, and dont think too hard. Its not about the right book or great works of literature, just ones that have affected you in some way. Doesnt have to be in order. Then tag 10 friends and me so I can see your list. Blood of the Fold - Terry Goodkind. Part of the Sword of Truth Series, and the first book I read where the goodguy actually isnt always on the run, and can act a bit more decisively rather than desperately Curse of the Mistwraith - Janny Wurts. First book in a long series that pits polar opposites against one another. Also, a high fantasy book that does not glorify medieval combat, rather it reminds how horrific it was. Clash of Kings - George RR Martin. My personal favourite in the Song of Ice and Fire as it has an exceptionally strong storyline for my favourite character. The Farseer Trilogy - Robin Hobb. Just a truly entertaining fantasy series, rags to riches almost, and dragons. Legion - Cant remember the author, its a Games Workshop Book. I have read many GW books, and in my mind they are not what I would consider great literature, but they can be entertaining. However, Legion sets itself apart about a group of individuals damned by the greater good. Hard Times - Charles Dickens. The first book I read for Uni, the first essay type assessment and the first time I actually engaged as a literary critic. It is also quite funny. Hedda Gabler - Henrik Ibsen. Technically a play, one that I studied in second year and the one I used to help me understand freudian theory. It got me my first 1st in English lit. Dance of the Voodoo Handbag - Robert rankin. Its just bloody funny. The Secret Seven - Enid Blyton. One of the first books I ever read, cover to cover. The Final Friends -Christopher Pike. On of my favourites from when I was a teenager, all those years ago. Hannah Kendal Matt Tennant Matthew Hayhurst Gordon Maloney Danny Prescott Rozzaa Stimpson Katia Riley Darren Kirkpatrick Jim Morrison Jawanza Ruhani Ipyana
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 20:17:24 +0000

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