Ok, first let me wish EVERYONE a happy new year, may your wildest - TopicsExpress


Ok, first let me wish EVERYONE a happy new year, may your wildest dreams come true, that is if they are legal ! I would like to apologize to anyone I may have offended over the last year. Not my intention, but I am an opinionated, bull headed, old school patriot. With that being said I am going to try not to criticize without offering a solution this new year. To President Obama: you were elected by promising to change our country, not sure but I think we were expecting a different kind of change. Our constitution has brought us to the position of the greatest country on earth, fact. Let me give you some suggestions for change, one, term limits, two abolish the IRS and impose a fair tax, three, end all corporate donations to campaigns, period. Four, a constitutional amendment forbidding any bailouts of any bank, company, or state. Begin ending monopolies making sure no one gets to big to fail, this is a national security concern. Five, close the department of education and return that responsibility to the states. Six, rebuild our military to once again be the top in the world, using them to secure OUR borders and not dying in a country that hates us. Seven, stop all aide to any country that does not execute terrorist, period. That would be defined by us. Eight, impose tariffs on all imports to level the playing field, of course as other countries raise the standard of living for their citizens the tariffs would be adjusted. Nine, the problem with healthcare is the insurance companies, work on a way to cut them out. As I was watching a video of Big Daddy Weave singing Overwhelming it broke my heart, you will only be president 8 years, couldnt you cut your vacations and golf outings by half and spend time with the kids in the poor areas, giving them the example of what is possible in this country. The crime rate, the shootings, the riots, all of this is rooted in the fact that these kids have no hope, you of all people could be the greatest example these kids might ever have. This, I believe is the reason you are our president, not the liberal agenda you have been pushing for six years. Youve got two years to be the most failed potus in my life, or you could truly bring hope to millions by doing whats best and not political. Stop listening to whoever it is that has your ear, that is telling you that you are doing the right thing. They are wrong, two years.
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 20:00:34 +0000

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