Ok folks I got a tale to tell, yall remember a couple months back - TopicsExpress


Ok folks I got a tale to tell, yall remember a couple months back I had a water leak, like many I called Raymond Vann, he gave me a name and number to call, I did and was instructed to go out to the place where one applies for that sort of help, I did and as I said the lady was very courteous, and in short order there were people out here fixin my leak turns out I had two both were taken care of... I have been using one of those walker things to get around, if I have a little ways to walk, and I was using it that day, and the lady noticed and ask if I needed any help with disability things in my home such as hand rails ramp to get in and out etc. in my home, I said well not exactly at the moment, but I am expected to be relegated to a wheel chair by my health service at the VA, they had been talking about I might need one for my heart condition that want let me do very much and walking either. So and inspection was done as to what is needed, it is a bunch evidently I was approved and the job is put out for a contract bid, in the mean time the Wheel Chair materialized, was delivered yesterday, it is one of the motorized ones... Last week I had called asking for help with my kitchen sink being stopped up, I had been taking care of that myself, but lately my physical; limitation wont let me, yesterday I called, she said let me find out why, and I casually mentioned electricity problems I had on one wall...So she put it all down and said it will be taken care of, but nothing like before I guess somebody dropped the ball, no fixers, bit later I got a call said it would be taken care of this morning shortly after 8 AM plumbers and electricians showed up and took care of my sink and electric problems...So yesterday while I had her on the phone I mentioned the Wheel chair had come in and wondered when I might get the ramp, she said let me find out, she did and was told the contradict was out for bid, and the contractors had ten days to say yay or nay...So thats where thats at for now! So folks all this very good attention I am getting with needed help causes me to wonder why does Raymond Vann get so much call for help by needy people, do they think no help is available and dont ask, or not know how and where to apply, so they dont bother, surety they would have family members that could do it for them or help them, or something, I dont know how that would work... I have been doing a lot of bychin and babbling about all the people needing help and not getting it, and when I need it as an elder, it is there, all I have to do is ask, so guess I better shut up and look around a bit huh??
Posted on: Tue, 08 Apr 2014 18:33:25 +0000

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