Ok folks. PIcture this. It is December 31st, you and your - TopicsExpress


Ok folks. PIcture this. It is December 31st, you and your friends/significant other decide to go out. You go to dinner then decide to hit some bars for some drinks, dancing maybe and just hang out with some friends. One of you decide that you are ok to drive home. Rutt roooo there is the red/blue lights behind you. Next thing you know your in jail being asked to take a breath test. You refuse and police get a search warrant for your blood. Now you have to call a bondsman and pay 10 to 15% of your bond to get out of jail because you decided to drive while intoxicated. That is just the beginning. Now you have to find a lawyer, probably $1000+. You plead/found guilty of the offense so now you get to pay probation fees (1st time offenders usually), attend meetings and probation visits, get an interlock device installed on your vehicle, not to metion that your insurance rates sky rocket plus all of the fees you pay to keep your driver license. If you have a job that requires you to drive a company vehicle or covered by company insurance good luck on keeping that job. All over a few drinks and a few hours of fun. So after a few years and $10,000+ in fines, fees and payments you complete your probation. All of this could have been avoided if you would just take a look at this article: wacotrib/news/safe-ride-home-program-ready-for-new-year-s-eve/article_ec0342ba-cfcc-52d3-a1f3-60f788e4e4c4.html Now all that your out of is the money for dinner and drinks. Please be nice to our patrol officers and dont drink and drive. If you do decide to drink and drive then dont be surprised that you get arrested for DWI. If you are lucky you only get arrested. Worse case senario you end up killing yourself, your friends/family or someone else in another vehicle. So is a few hours of fun worth all of these problems when a simple solution is available? Please enjoy your holiday but be responsible. We wish yall a Happy New Year.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 19:04:29 +0000

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