Ok folks, here is my update for the masses! I am out of the - TopicsExpress


Ok folks, here is my update for the masses! I am out of the hospital, and recuperating at my folks place. Speaking of, of anyone deserves the sainthood this year, it is those two. Never did they imagine any of there children going though this, and not only did they have to spend their time talking to reporters, cleaning the blood out of the condo, and visiting me in the hospital, they also managed to move both sisters in together in a space of two days! I truly dont know how they do it, and am so blessed to have the two most wonderful and caring folks a guy could ask for. Thank you Crystal and James! Also a big shout out, hug, and kiss to Amanda Gambrell, who only having ever been on one date with me, spent every night I was in there with me. I truly dont know what I did to deserve such an angel in my life. As for my wonderful friends, I mean, I knew I had friends, but I never knew to what extent you all actually cared. To wake up Saturday morning, sore and disoriented in a hospital ICU, and to see all of those messages of well wishes and condolences, I am not afraid to admit I cried like a baby. Thank you all so much! Every typed word, every phone call was so very much loved and appreciated! I truly wish there was a way to thank you all aside from mere words on a Facebook post. As for further updates, all 3 of the assholes who did this have been caught, the female involved has confessed to her part in it, and is paralyzed from the waist down. Her and one of the males involved were at the same hospital I was it, which is why I was under a protection order the entire time. I dont have much word on the 3rd male, but the first one I mentioned is very likely going to lose his leg. Let this be a lesson! Dont break into my house and not expect to pay a toll. So far we know that local charges have been glied against all 3, and with me still being active duty, possibly state and federal charges will be filed as well. My apologies if this seems to start rambling, but at this moment it is quite hard to gather my thoughts and it is very difficult to read. As I gain more energy and reclaim my eyesight, I will keep you, my wonderful friends and family, updated. If you take nothing else away from this, just please know that I am sincerely thankful and not too manly to say I love each and every one of you from the bottom of my heart! Thank you!
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 00:27:49 +0000

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