Ok folks of the Wellington region - do YOU want to help stop the - TopicsExpress


Ok folks of the Wellington region - do YOU want to help stop the proposed Wellington $upercity? Because the Auckland $upercity for the 1% has been an absolute DISASTER for the overwhelming majority of citizens and ratepayers of the Auckland region - rates and Council debt have sky-rocketed, while services, democracy and transparency have plummeted. Seven former Councils have now been replaced with seven Council Controlled Organisations (CCOs - otherwise known as CA$H COW ORGANISATIONS), each controlled by unelected boards of business people, each with their own CEO, offices, office staff, consultants and contractors ... So much for the much-vaunted economies of scale. Wheres the democracy, transparency and accountability under this CORPORATE Controlled Organisation? Bigger contracts for fewer but bigger private contractors is what these $upercities are really all about. Its a MASSIVE dose of commercialise - corporatise - PRIVATISE Rogernomic$ - now at local government level. First CCOs - then PPPs? But - you folks from the Wellington regional area CAN stop this! You can petition for a binding POLL, to which you can then say NO! Here is the LAW - which spells out your lawful right to a POLL on this proposed amalgamation: (1)If a final proposal has been issued under clause 21(1)(a) or (b), affected electors may demand a poll to determine whether or not the final proposal is to proceed and become a reorganisation scheme. (2)A poll may be demanded under subclause (1) by a petition of 10% or more of affected electors enrolled in the district of a territorial authority. legislation.govt.nz/act/public/2002/0084/latest/DLM4927119.htmllegislation.govt.nz/act/public/2002/0084/latest/DLM4927119.html 24 Petition to require poll (1)If a final proposal has been issued under clause 21(1)(a) or (b), affected electors may demand a poll to determine whether or not the final proposal is to proceed and become a reorganisation scheme. (2)A poll may be demanded under subclause (1) by a petition of 10% or more of affected electors enrolled in the district of a territorial authority. (3)A petition must be in the prescribed form (if any). (4)The Commission must, in the public notice of a final proposal under clause 22(1)(a), advise electors of— (a)the opportunity to demand a poll under this clause; and (b)the requirements relating to the submission of a petition under this clause; and (c)the date by which a petition must be received by the Commission, being the close of the 60th working day after the first publication of the notice under clause 22(1)(a); and (d)the affected area. (5)Each person who signs a petition must state, against his or her signature, the persons name and address in sufficient detail to enable the person to be identified as an elector. (6)The chief executive officer of the Commission must send a copy of the petition to the electoral officer of each affected territorial authority, and the electoral officers must advise the Commission, within the time frame required by the Commission, of— (a)the number of affected electors enrolled as eligible to vote in the district of the territorial authority; and (b)the number of those electors who have signed the petition; and (c)whether the number of those electors who signed the petition constitute 10% or more of the affected electors enrolled in the district of the territorial authority. (7)To avoid doubt, a petition may not be started before a final proposal is issued. (8)For the purposes of this subpart, petition means 1 or more petitions submitted to the Commission that relate to the same final proposal. __________________________________________________________________ Has the Local Government Commission complied with their following statutory requirements and advised Wellington regional citizen and ratepayer electors of your LAWFUL right to demand such a poll? (4)The Commission must, in the public notice of a final proposal under clause 22(1)(a), advise electors of— (a)the opportunity to demand a poll under this clause; and (b)the requirements relating to the submission of a petition under this clause; and (c)the date by which a petition must be received by the Commission, being the close of the 60th working day after the first publication of the notice under clause 22(1)(a); and (d)the affected area. __________________________________________________________________ The following press release from the Local Government Commission on 4 December 2014 says no such thing: lgc.govt.nz/commission-news-and-contact-information/media-statements-and-speeches/a-greater-wellington-council-proposed-for-region/ Home » Commission news & contact information »Media statements and speeches » A Greater Wellington Council proposed for region A Greater Wellington Council proposed for region Date: 04 Dec 2014 The most significant reforms of a generation are proposed for councils in the Wellington region, under a draft proposal released by the Local Government Commission. Public submissions are now being sought, with a deadline of 2 March 2015. A new unitary authority, the Greater Wellington Council, is proposed. It would take over the functions of the existing nine councils: Masterton District Council; Carterton District Council; South Wairarapa District Council; Upper Hutt City Council; Hutt City Council; Wellington City Council; Porirua City Council; Kapiti Coast District Council, and the Greater Wellington Regional Council. .... Have the Local Government Commission complied with these above-mentioned statutory requirements anywhere else? Do any Wellington folks know? Kind regards Penny Bright (Who opposed the Auckland $upercity literally from Day One). pennybright4mayor.org.nz
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 07:07:52 +0000

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